Single-page Applications with Angular 2
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Visit our page to learn more about our restaurant and order delicious food. You can add meals to your personal favourites or directly add them to your cart. You can save a number of different addresses and see all your past orders.
Name | Student system username | Github username |
Elena Zarkova | ElenaZ | ElenaZarkova |
Silviya Boteva | sboteva1 | silweto7 |
Martin Yotov | martinyotov | MartinYotov |
Public part
- home
- menu/:category
- about
- contacts
- gallery
- login
- register
- not found page
Private part
- profile
- profile/edit
- cart
- orders
- submit
- submit/add-address
- menu/:category - additional functionality
- Filter by category
- Search meals
- Sort meals
- Pagination
- Zoom in gallery image
- Zoom out gallery image
- Change color of header link on hover
- Auth gaurd
- Header
- User panel header
- Footer
- Meal in menu
- Meal in cart
- Favourite meal in profile
- Address in submit page
- Add address
- Order
- Contacts page
- Orders page
- Home qoute
Node.js server