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Welcome to the World-Locations-API! This API provides information about continents, countries, states, and cities around the world. It is built using Node.js, Express, and PostgreSQL.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to set up and run the WorldData API on your local machine.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd World-Locations-API
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the API:

    node index.js

The API will be running at http://localhost:3080. You can now make requests to the various endpoints.

Setting Up the Database

Follow these steps to set up the PostgreSQL database for the WorldData API.

Creating the Database

  1. Open pgAdmin and connect to your PostgreSQL server.

  2. Create a new database named WorldData.

  3. Update the index.js file with your PG-Admin password.

Executing data.sql

The data.sql file contains SQL commands to populate the database with initial data.

  1. In pgAdmin, open a query tool for the WorldData database.

  2. Copy the contents of the data.sql file and paste them into the query tool.

  3. Execute the script to create tables and insert initial data.

    Note: Ensure that the pg_password in the index.js file matches your PG-Admin password.

The database is now set up with initial data.


Get All Locations

  • Endpoint: /all
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get a list of all locations, including continents, countries, states, and cities.
    • Example Response:
       [{"continent_code":"AS","name":"Asia","countries":[{"country_code":"IN","continent_code":"AS","name":"India","capital":"New Delhi","states":[{"state_id":"UP","country_code":"IN","name":"Uttar Pradesh","cities":[{"city_id":"LUK","state_id":"UP","name":"Lucknow"}]}]}]},{"continent_code":"EU","name":"Europe","countries":[{"country_code":"FR","continent_code":"EU","name":"France","capital":"Paris","states":[{"state_id":"IDF","country_code":"FR","name":"Île-de-France","cities":[{"city_id":"PAR","state_id":"IDF","name":"Paris"}]}]}]},{"continent_code":"NA","name":"North America","countries":[{"country_code":"US","continent_code":"NA","name":"United States","capital":"Washington, D.C.","states":[{"state_id":"CA","country_code":"US","name":"California","cities":[{"city_id":"SFO","state_id":"CA","name":"San Francisco"}]}]}]},{"continent_code":"SA","name":"South America","countries":[{"country_code":"BR","continent_code":"SA","name":"Brazil","capital":"Brasília","states":[{"state_id":"SP","country_code":"BR","name":"São Paulo","cities":[{"city_id":"SAO","state_id":"SP","name":"São Paulo"}]}]}]}]

Get Continents

  • Endpoint: /continents
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get a list of all continents.
    • Example Response:
      [{"continent_code":"AS","name":"Asia"},{"continent_code":"EU","name":"Europe"},{"continent_code":"NA","name":"North America"},{"continent_code":"SA","name":"South America"}]

Get Countries by Continent

  • Endpoint: /continent/:id/countries
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get all countries on a specific continent. Replace :id with the continent code.
    • Example Response:
          "country_code": "IN",
          "continent_code": "AS",
          "name": "India",
          "capital": "New Delhi"

Get Country by Code

  • Endpoint: /country/:id
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get details of a country by its country code. Replace :id with the country code.
    • Example Response:
        "country_code": "IN",
        "continent_code": "AS",
        "name": "India",
        "capital": "New Delhi"

Get Capital of a Country

  • Endpoint: /country/:id/capital
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get capital city of a country by its country code. Replace :id with country code
    • Example Response:
        "capital": "New Delhi"

Get States by Country

  • Endpoint: /country/:id/states
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get states inside a specific country. Replace :id with the country code.
    • Example Response:
          "state_id": "UP",
          "country_code": "IN",
          "name": "Uttar Pradesh"

Get Cities by State

  • Endpoint: /state/:id/cities
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get cities inside a specific state. Replace :id with the state ID.
    • Example Response:
         "city_id": "LUK",
         "state_id": "UP",
         "name": "Lucknow"

Get Locations Starting with

  • Endpoint: /starts-with/:char
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get all locations which starts with given character sequence. replace :char with character sequence, use _ to simply get list of all locations' name

Get Locations Ending with

  • Endpoint: /ends-with/:char
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get all locations which ends with given character sequence. replace :char with character sequence, use _ to simply get list of all locations' name

Get Locations Containing

  • Endpoint: /contains/:char
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Get all locations which contains given character sequence. replace :char with character sequence, use _ to simply get list of all locations' name

Validate Location

  • Endpoint: /location/:loc

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Validate a location by providing the location name in the request body. Returns the location ID and type (continent, country, state, or city).

    • Example Response:
        "id": "IN",
        "type": "country"

Feel free to explore and integrate the WorldData API into your applications! If you have any questions or issues, please open an issue