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rogerkuou committed Dec 20, 2024
2 parents d2fc253 + 0e6b2a0 commit a902977
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"""Functions for scatterer selection related operations."""

from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

def ps_selection(
slcs: xr.Dataset,
threshold: float,
method: Literal["nad", "nmad"] = "nad",
output_chunks: int = 10000,
mem_persist: bool = False,
) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Select Persistent Scatterers (PS) from an SLC stack, and return a Space-Time Matrix.
The selection method is defined by `method` and `threshold`.
The selected pixels will be reshaped to (space, time), where `space` is the number of selected pixels.
The unselected pixels will be discarded.
The original `azimuth` and `range` coordinates will be persisted.
The computed NAD or NMAD will be added to the output dataset as a new variable. It can be persisted in
memory if `mem_persist` is True.
slcs : xr.Dataset
Input SLC stack. It should have the following dimensions: ("azimuth", "range", "time").
There should be a `amplitude` variable in the dataset.
threshold : float
Threshold value for selection.
method : Literal["nad", "nmad"], optional
Method of selection, by default "nad".
- "nad": Normalized Amplitude Dispersion
- "nmad": Normalized median absolute deviation
output_chunks : int, optional
Chunk size in the `space` dimension, by default 10000
mem_persist : bool, optional
If true persist the NAD or NMAD in memory, by default False.
Selected STM, in form of an xarray.Dataset with two dimensions: (space, time).
Raised when an unsupported method is provided.
# Make sure there is no temporal chunk
# since later a block function assumes all temporal data is available in a spatial block
slcs = slcs.chunk({"time": -1})

# Calculate selection mask
match method:
case "nad":
nad = xr.map_blocks(
_nad_block, slcs["amplitude"], template=slcs["amplitude"].isel(time=0).drop_vars("time")
nad = nad.compute() if mem_persist else nad
slcs = slcs.assign(pnt_nad=nad)
mask = nad < threshold
case "nmad":
nmad = xr.map_blocks(
_nmad_block, slcs["amplitude"], template=slcs["amplitude"].isel(time=0).drop_vars("time")
nmad = nmad.compute() if mem_persist else nmad
slcs = slcs.assign(pnt_nmad=nmad)
mask = nmad < threshold
case _:
raise NotImplementedError

# Get the 1D index on space dimension
mask_1d = mask.stack(space=("azimuth", "range")).drop_vars(["azimuth", "range", "space"]) # Drop multi-index coords
index = mask_1d["space"].where(mask_1d.compute(), other=0, drop=True) # Evaluate the 1D mask to index

# Reshape from Stack ("azimuth", "range", "time") to Space-Time Matrix ("space", "time")
stacked = slcs.stack(space=("azimuth", "range"))

# Drop multi-index coords for space coordinates
# This will also azimuth and range coordinates, as they are part of the multi-index coordinates
stm = stacked.drop_vars(["space", "azimuth", "range"])

# Assign a continuous index the space dimension
# Assign azimuth and range back as coordinates
stm = stm.assign_coords(
"space": (["space"], range(stm.sizes["space"])),
"azimuth": (["space"], stacked["azimuth"].values),
"range": (["space"], stacked["range"].values),
) # keep azimuth and range as coordinates

# Apply selection
stm_masked = stm.sel(space=index)

# Re-order the dimensions to community preferred ("space", "time") order
stm_masked = stm_masked.transpose("space", "time")

# Rechunk is needed because after apply maksing, the chunksize will be inconsistant
stm_masked = stm_masked.chunk(
"space": output_chunks,
"time": -1,

# Reset space coordinates
stm_masked = stm_masked.assign_coords(
"space": (["space"], range(stm_masked.sizes["space"])),

# Compute NAD or NMAD if mem_persist is True
# This only evaluate a very short task graph, since NAD or NMAD is already in memory
if mem_persist:
match method:
case "nad":
stm_masked["pnt_nad"] = stm_masked["pnt_nad"].compute()
case "nmad":
stm_masked["pnt_nmad"] = stm_masked["pnt_nmad"].compute()

return stm_masked

def network_stm_selection(
stm: xr.Dataset,
min_dist: int | float,
include_index: list[int] = None,
sortby_var: str = "pnt_nmad",
crs: int | str = "radar",
x_var: str = "azimuth",
y_var: str = "range",
azimuth_spacing: float = None,
range_spacing: float = None,
"""Select a Space-Time Matrix (STM) from a candidate STM for network processing.
The selection is based on two criteria:
1. A minimum distance between selected points.
2. A sorting metric to select better points.
The candidate STM will be sorted by the sorting metric.
The selection will be performed iteratively, starting from the best point.
In each iteration, the best point will be selected, and points within the minimum distance will be removed.
The process will continue until no points are left in the candidate STM.
stm : xr.Dataset
candidate Space-Time Matrix (STM).
min_dist : int | float
Minimum distance between selected points.
include_index : list[int], optional
Index of points in the candidate STM that must be included in the selection, by default None
sortby_var : str, optional
Sorting metric for selecting points, by default "pnt_nmad"
crs : int | str, optional
EPSG code of Coordinate Reference System of `x_var` and `y_var`, by default "radar".
If crs is "radar", the distance will be calculated based on radar coordinates, and
azimuth_spacing and range_spacing must be provided.
x_var : str, optional
Data variable name for x coordinate, by default "azimuth"
y_var : str, optional
Data variable name for y coordinate, by default "range"
azimuth_spacing : float, optional
Azimuth spacing, by default None. Required if crs is "radar".
range_spacing : float, optional
Range spacing, by default None. Required if crs is "radar".
Selected network Space-Time Matrix (STM).
Raised when `azimuth_spacing` or `range_spacing` is not provided for radar coordinates.
Raised when an unsupported Coordinate Reference System is provided.
match crs:
case "radar":
if (azimuth_spacing is None) or (range_spacing is None):
raise ValueError("Azimuth and range spacing must be provided for radar coordinates.")
case _:
raise NotImplementedError

# Get coordinates and sorting metric, load them into memory
stm_select = None
stm_remain = stm[[x_var, y_var, sortby_var]].compute()

# Select the include_index if provided
if include_index is not None:
stm_select = stm_remain.isel(space=include_index)

# Remove points within min_dist of the included points
coords_include = np.column_stack(
[stm_select["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_select["range"].values * range_spacing]
coords_remain = np.column_stack(
[stm_remain["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_remain["range"].values * range_spacing]
idx_drop = _idx_within_distance(coords_include, coords_remain, min_dist)
if idx_drop is not None:
stm_remain = stm_remain.where(~(stm_remain["space"].isin(idx_drop)), drop=True)

# Reorder the remaining points by the sorting metric
stm_remain = stm_remain.sortby(sortby_var)

# Build a list of the index of selected points
if stm_select is None:
space_idx_sel = []
space_idx_sel = stm_select["space"].values.tolist()

while stm_remain.sizes["space"] > 0:
# Select one point with best sorting metric
stm_now = stm_remain.isel(space=0)

# Append the selected point index

# Remove the selected point from the remaining points
stm_remain = stm_remain.isel(space=slice(1, None)).copy()

# Remove points in stm_remain within min_dist of stm_now
coords_remain = np.column_stack(
[stm_remain["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_remain["range"].values * range_spacing]
coords_stmnow = np.column_stack(
[stm_now["azimuth"].values * azimuth_spacing, stm_now["range"].values * range_spacing]
idx_drop = _idx_within_distance(coords_stmnow, coords_remain, min_dist)
if idx_drop is not None:
stm_drop = stm_remain.isel(space=idx_drop)
stm_remain = stm_remain.where(~(stm_remain["space"].isin(stm_drop["space"])), drop=True)

# Get the selected points by space index from the original stm
stm_out = stm.sel(space=space_idx_sel)

return stm_out

def _nad_block(amp: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Compute Normalized Amplitude Dispersion (NAD) for a block of amplitude data.
amp : xr.DataArray
Amplitude data, with dimensions ("azimuth", "range", "time").
This can be extracted from an SLC xr.Dataset.
Normalized Amplitude Dispersion (NAD) data, with dimensions ("azimuth", "range").
# Compute amplitude dispersion
# By defalut, the mean and std function from Xarray will skip NaN values
# However, if there is NaN value in time series, we want to discard the pixel
# Therefore, we set skipna=False
# Adding epsilon to avoid zero division
nad_da = amp.std(dim="time", skipna=False) / (amp.mean(dim="time", skipna=False) + np.finfo(amp.dtype).eps)

return nad_da

def _nmad_block(amp: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Compute Normalized Median Absolute Deviation(NMAD) for a block of amplitude data.
amp : xr.DataArray
Amplitude data, with dimensions ("azimuth", "range", "time").
This can be extracted from an SLC xr.Dataset.
Normalized Median Absolute Dispersion (NMAD) data, with dimensions ("azimuth", "range").
# Compoute NMAD
median_amplitude = amp.median(dim="time", skipna=False)
mad = (np.abs(amp - median_amplitude)).median(dim="time") # Median Absolute Deviation
nmad = mad / (median_amplitude + np.finfo(amp.dtype).eps) # Normalized Median Absolute Deviation

return nmad

def _idx_within_distance(coords_ref, coords_others, min_dist):
"""Get the index of points in coords_others that are within min_dist of coords_ref.
coords_ref : np.ndarray
Coordinates of reference points. Shape (n, 2).
coords_others : np.ndarray
Coordinates of other points. Shape (m, 2).
min_dist : int, float
distance threshold.
Index of points in coords_others that are within `min_dist` of `coords_ref`.
kd_ref = KDTree(coords_ref)
kd_others = KDTree(coords_others)
sdm = kd_ref.sparse_distance_matrix(kd_others, min_dist)
if len(sdm) > 0:
idx = np.array(list(sdm.keys()))[:, 1]
return idx
return None

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