This project focuses on controlling 16 valves in sequence for an air cleaning machine. It includes the following features:
Error Detection: Capable of detecting up to 16 faulty valves.
Pressure Monitoring: Collects pressure data from sensors.
Real-Time Data Transmission: Sends pressure values and valve error statuses to a server in real time.
User Interface: Equipped with a 20x4 LCD GUI for easy user interaction. A LED bar to indicate the pressure level, a red LED to signal errors, and a blue LED to show running status..
Check out the older version of this project
Checkout these project images for more infomation about this project.
Checkout hardware layout repository for detail about hardware components and structure
├── components/
│ └── MySubmoduleESP32Library/
├── main/
│ ├── Communication/
│ │ ├── CRC16
│ │ ├── MessageHandle
│ │ ├── Protocol
│ │ └── UART
│ │
│ ├── GUI/
│ │ ├── ButtonGUI
│ │ ├── GUI
│ │ ├── GUI_Navigator
│ │ ├── PressureBar
│ │ └── StatusLED
│ │
│ ├── OnlineManage/
│ │ ├── Client_DNS
│ │ └── OnlineManage
│ │
│ ├── BoardParameter
│ │
│ ├── DongTamESP32
│ │
│ └── main.h
└── sdkconfig and ESP-IDF files
- Set up UART peripheral port for communication with STM32.
- Handle receiving and transmitting messages.
- Encode and decode message data based on the Protocol layer.
- Perform CRC16 redundancy checks on messages.
- ButtonGUI:
- Read button inputs.
- Send button events to the GUI_Navigator module.
- Accelerate integer parameter changes if the user holds down a button.
- GUI_Navigator:
- Change GUI screens based on received button events.
- Pressure Bar:
- Control the LED bar level based on pressure values received from the sensor.
- StatusLED:
- Turn on the red LED if any valve is faulty.
- Turn on the blue LED under normal status.
- GUI:
- Display network status and WiFi information to the user.
- Provide a settings page for parameters.
- Display the board status.
- Handle WiFi and network startup.
- Synchronize with the NTP server time.
- Send pressure values to the server in real time.
- Send board information to the server.
- Send the current active valve status to the server.
- Store user-defined parameter settings.
- Provide APIs for getting and setting parameter data for other modules.
- Integrate all modules together.
├── STM32-Library/
│ └── MySubmoduleSTM32Library/
├── Driver/
│ └── HALDriver/
├── Core/
│ ├── Src/
│ │ ├── CRC16.c
│ │ ├── main.cpp
│ │ ├── MessageHandle.cpp
│ │ ├── ValveControlProcess.cpp
│ │ └── CubeMX generation .c files
│ │
│ └── Inc/
│ ├── CRC16.c
│ ├── main.cpp
│ ├── MessageHandle.cpp
│ ├── ValveControlProcess.cpp
│ └── CubeMX generation .h files
└── CubeMX generation files/
- Set up UART peripheral port for communication with ESP32.
- Handle receiving and transmitting messages.
- Encode and decode message data based on the Protocol layer.
- Perform CRC16 redundancy checks on messages.
- Control the on and off sequence of valves based on user-defined settings.
- Collect pressure data from the sensor each time a valve is triggered and every 3 seconds consecutively.
- Check whether the currently triggered valve is faulty.
- Set up the timer peripheral for the valve control process.
- Update the onboard RTC using the NTP server time.
- Integrate all modules together.
This project use ESP-IDF 5.2 framework and STM32CubeIDE 1.14
- Clone this project
git clone
- Into F103_DongTamV3 directory, update submodule STM32 library link:
cd F103_DongTamV3
git submodule update --init
Using STM32CubeIDE to compile, build and program STM32
Into ESP32_DongTamV3 directory, update submodule ESP32 library link:
cd ESP32_DongTamV3
git submodule update --init
Using Visual Studio Code or ESP-IDF terminal to compile, build and program ESP32
After completing these step above. If the board not connected to WiFi. The LCD GUI will show output below:
AP: DongTamAP
The board creates an access point named DongTamAP with the password dongtam. Use a smartphone or laptop to connect to this access point, open a browser, and type to connect to the ESP32 server. The server interface will appear as shown below:
Select your WiFi network to connect. If the connection is successful, the GUI will display the following output:
<User WiFi SSID>
Note: These instructions are only applicable to Android devices.