This is a modification of the OpenAI-CLIP repo of moein-shariatnia(
The current training dataset supports flicker-8k or flicker-30k, and the image encoder supports Resnet50 or ViT(vit_base_patch16_384).
Text encoder supports only DistilBert like moein-shariatnia.
$ virtualenv .venv --python=python3.6
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Pretrain
$ python3
- Inference image from text query
$ python3 --query={YOUR QUERY}
- Inference text from image query
$ python3 --query_text={YOUR .txt FILE} --query_image={YOUR .jpg or .png FILE}
You must set(or check) some options in before pretrain & inference
ex1) dataset("8k" or "30k"): Train dataset(flicker-8k or flicker-30k)
ex2) model_name("resnet50" or "vit_base_patch16_384"): Type of image encoder
ex3) pretrained(True or False): Decide whether to learn by loading pretrain versions of text encoder(DistilBert) and image encoder(resnet50 or ViT)
ex4) batch_size: Set according to the capacity of the machine