Gutsy is a PHP class that creates an easy to use DRY connection to a MySQL, MS SQL or SQLite database using PHP's secure PDO. Not only does it make the connection but it also allows easier creation of you SQL queries. You wont need to remember the PDO specific parameters or how to work your DSN, Gutsy does this for you. Gutsy also has a degugging function (which can be toggled in your config) that allows you to see any PHP errors whilst active and is hidden (for security reasons) in production mode. Gutsy has a function that creates a folder that contains a MySQL log so you have a record of any errors that may occur.
- MS SQL is currently untested!
- SQLite database name is the name of the SQLite filename.
- MongoDB Support
- PostgreSQL Support
To configure Gutsy for your database connection edit the config.php
file change the definitions to your database information.
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'username');
define('DB_PASS', 'password');
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
define('DB_TYPE', 'database_type'); // mysql, mssql or sqlite
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_USER', 'root');
define('DB_PASS', 'root');
define('DB_NAME', 'automobiles_db');
If the database is a MySQL database use the following
define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql'); // mysql
If the database is a SQLite database use the following
define('DB_TYPE', 'sqlite'); //sqlite
If the database is a MS SQL database use the following
define('DB_TYPE', 'mssql'); //mssql
By initialising Gutsy you also make a connection to the SQL database defined above.
$gutsy = new Gutsy();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Table";
Gutsy will automatically determine the type of value and set the PDO parameter PDO::PARAM_*
$id = 1;
$category = "carModel";
$isAccessible = true;
$gutsy->bind(':id', $id);
$gutsy->bind(':model', $model);
$gutsy->bind(':accessAllowed', $isAccessible);
To execute a query without expecting a result (eg. INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries) use the execute
To return a single row use the single
To return an array of results use the resultset
To return a count on any Update, Insert or Delete Queries use rowCount
Below is an example of the total code needed to use Gutsy.
$gutsy = new Gutsy();
$carMake = 'Ford';
$carModel = 'Mustang';
$kms = 67180;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO car (carMake, carModel, kilometers)
VALUES (:carMake, :carModel, :kms)';
$gutsy->bind(':kms', $kms);
$gutsy->bind(':carMake', $carMake);
$gutsy->bind(':carModel', $carModel);
With an expected result of: (a Ford Mustang with a count of 67180 kms added to the table named Car) and an output of:
1 row affected