Run program
make clean all
Flags to run code:
-a: alphabet size
-s: number of states
-i: turing tape iterations
-k: context range for markov models
-A: alpha of markov model
-f: file
-e: seed
-o: number of output lines per run
Example of runing sptm:
./sptm -e 555 -s 2 -a 2 -i 100 -A 20 -k 2 -f "A" -o 20
Input to program while running code:
0-2-2-0-1-6-1-2-6-2-2-0-2-2-6-1-2-7-1-0-3-1-1-2-2-1-5-0-0-6-3-2-4-2-0-6-1-1-0-2-0-6-3-0-5-0-2-1-3-1-3-3-0-2-0-2-0-2-0-1-0-0-0-1-2-5-1-0-1-2-2-1-1-0-7-0-0-0-3-0-6-2-0-1-3-2-4-0-2-2-2-2-4-2-1-0- 4 8 11252 2:7 20 7568
0-2-2-(...)-4-2-1-0-: rule matrix
4: alphabet size
8: number of states
11252: turing tape iterations
7: context to markov model
20: alpha of markov model
Outputs: The outputs from the program provide every 10 iterations of the Turing Machine, the following features:
- NRC: Normalize Relative Compression (for a given k)
- DTA: Normalize Absolute Difference between sizes of the Input and generated Turing Machine Tape
- HS: Hit Score element by element between the Input and generated Turing Machine Tape
- ED: Euclidean Distance between the Input and generated Turing Machine Tape
- PEL: Variation in diference for each alphabet letter between the Input and generated Turing Machine Tape
1.88525 0.419048 0.639344 3.48925e+10 0.362538 0.0680838
Example of runing tprl:
./tprl -e 555 -s 2 -a 2 -i 100 -A 20 -k 2 -f "A" -o 20
Outputs: files in dataset folder
Please let us know if there is any issues.
SPPTM is under GPL v3 license. For more information, click here.