Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a software developer based in Dubai, UAE. I love games; that is really how I got into programming. When I am not coding then doing other normal human activities, cause you know I am not a robot.
- Languages & Frameworks: ReactJS, SolidJS, JavaScript, Typescript, Python, C, C#, Dart, Flutter, Node.js, Redux, Tailwind CSS, HTML, CSS
- Backend Technologies: FastAPI, Django, NestJS, SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, CockroachDB
- Tools & Platforms: Git, Docker, Figma, Unity3D, ROS
- Architectures: Microservices, Systems Design, Full-Stack Development
- Certificate Generator Web Application: Automates certificate creation and distribution using FastAPI, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Real-Time Polling App: A fun web-based polling app built with SolidJS and FastAPI, featuring live interactive voting sessions.
- Autonomous Mobile Robot: Developed using ROS2, with Gmapping and A* pathfinding algorithms for autonomous navigation.
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering
Middlesex University | September 2020 โ May 2024
- Chevron REACH Scholarship (2020): Awarded for academic excellence throughout A-levels and undergraduate studies.
- Emirates Robotics Competition Champion: Two-time champion in the Manipulation Challenge, earning a scholarship to the Rochester Institute of Technology.
- LinkedIn: Connect with me
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: sydney.idundun.com
- GitHub: github.com/sydneyidundun
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to check out my repositories and reach out if you'd like to collaborate on any cool projects. Let's build something amazing together!