This project is part of my PwC virtual internship on Forage. The dataset, provided during the internship, offered a valuable opportunity to practice skills in Power BI visualization, analysis, and DAX. Guided by a problem statement from the internship, this report showcases how I applied these skills to transform data into actionable insights, reflecting PwC's commitment to digital transformation and innovative technology solutions.
- Calculating Measures
- Defining KPIs
- Insights and Actions
- Power BI DAX
- Power BI Dashboard
The dataset was provided during the internship. I downloaded the Excel file and imported it into Power BI for cleaning and visualization. This Call Center dataset has 11 columns and 5000 rows.
- Call Id: A unique identifier assigned to each call for tracking and reference purposes.
- Agent: The name or identification number of the customer service agent who handled the call.
- Date: The date when the call was made or received.
- Time: The time when the call started.
- Topic: The subject or issue discussed during the call, such as technical support, billing inquiry, or general information.
- Answered (Y/N): Indicates whether the call was answered by an agent (Y for Yes, N for No).
- Resolved: Indicates if the customer's issue was resolved during the call. This might be a simple Yes/No.
- Speed of Answer in Seconds: The amount of time (in seconds) it took for an agent to answer the call from the moment it was received.
- AvgTalkDuration: The average duration of the call, typically measured in seconds or minutes, from the start to the end of the conversation.
- Satisfaction Rating: The rating given by the customer regarding their satisfaction with the service received during the call. On a scale (1-5).
The dataset was clean and didn’t need a lot of transformation. Here are a few changes made to the data:
- Changed the data type of the "AvgTalkDuration" column to data type time.
- Changed the values for the "Answered (Y/N)" column from "Y" to "Yes" and "N" to "No".
- Changed the values for the "Resolved" column from "Y" to "Yes" and "N" to "No".
Below is a preview of the table.
This Call Center dataset only had one table, so no additional modelling was done.
The provided call center dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of various key performance metrics. This analysis addresses several critical aspects of call center performance, including total calls answered, total calls abandoned, speed of answer, and overall customer satisfaction. Additionally, it delves into individual agent performance and call trends over time.
Total Calls Answered: 4054
Total Calls Abandoned: 946
Average Speed of Answer: 67.52 seconds
Overall Customer Satisfaction: This indicates an overall satisfaction score of 3.40 on a scale from 1 to 5. A score of 3.40 suggests that customers’ satisfaction is slightly above average.
The performance of each agent is assessed based on the total calls answered, total issues resolved, Unresolved Issues, Average speed of answering calls, and the Average satisfaction rate provided by customers.
- Calls Answered: 536(highest)
- Unresolved Calls: 181(Highest)
- Issues Resolved: 485(highest)
- Unresolved Calls: 181(Highest)
- Average Speed of Answer: 65.33 seconds(jfastest)
- Average Speed of Answer: 70.99 seconds (longest)
- Satisfaction Rating: 3.33 (lowest)
- Satisfaction Rating: 3.47 (highest)
- Monthly Analysis:
- January: Highest number of answered calls
- Weekly Analysis:
- Week 5: Highest number of answered calls (364)
- Week 1: Least number of answered calls (94)
- High Volume of Calls: The call center handled a substantial number of calls (4054), with a significant number being abandoned (946).
- Speed of Answer: The average speed of answering calls was relatively slow at 67.52 seconds, with noticeable variations among agents.
- Customer Satisfaction: An overall satisfaction score of 3.40 on a scale from 1 to 5 suggests that customers’ satisfaction is slightly above average. While it’s not exceptionally high, it also doesn’t indicate significant dissatisfaction. Satisfaction ratings varied among agents, indicating differences in performance and customer interaction quality.
- Reduce Call Abandonment: Implement strategies to reduce the number of abandoned calls. This could involve optimizing call routing, improving IVR systems, or increasing staffing during peak times.
- Improve Speed of Answer: Focus on reducing the average speed of answer, particularly for agents with slower response times. Consider additional training or process improvements.
- Enhance Customer Satisfaction: Provide targeted training and support to agents with lower satisfaction ratings. Implement regular feedback sessions and use customer feedback to identify areas for improvement.
- Monitor Trends: Continue monitoring call trends by month and week to allocate resources efficiently and address any fluctuations in call volume.