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Setting up Feast Spark on CML

High level instructions on setting up FEAST feature store with SPARK offline store

Useful links

feast-spark Quick-start Feast spark-getting-started

Key Notes

  • This has been tested on feast version 0.30.2, so recommend using that version
  • Ensure that pyspark version matches spark version, without which this installation will not succeed
  • Ensure you have access to the Hive Table in a Cloudera Datawarehouse(CDW) and can access the driver_stats table in default database. if you would like to create your own table then go to section Create your own table

Setup Instructions

Folder Structure

Key files and folders to be modified/ used in this project :

|- feast_project
    |- data : Online feature database 
    |- feature_repo 
        |- feature_store.yaml : Feature store configuration file for offline and online stores
        |- : Feature defintion file 
|- DataLoad.ipynb : Validate Spark's ability to fetch the offline store data
|- : used to load the Feast UI
|- feature-store-dev.ipynb : Interactive notebook for Feast historical and online store access

Load Dataset

  • Launch Hue
  • Spark ( hive) offline store works only on default database
  • make sure you are in the default database and create the table below
CREATE TABLE driver_stats (
    event_timestamp   bigint,
    driver_id         bigint,
    conv_rate         float,
    acc_rate          float,
    avg_daily_trips   int,
    created           bigint
  • in this repo feast_project/feature_repo/data folder you will find a driver_hourly_stats.parquet file
  • Load this file in the hive table using hue or SPARK
  • One option is to copy this in a s3 bucket and then load into the table as below LOAD DATA INPATH '<s3bucket patth> driver_stats.parquet' INTO TABLE default.driver_stats;

Feature Store Setup

Spin off a new session in CML ( Use ONLY Jupyter Notebook/ Python3.8/ Spark Runtime Option ) and launch Terminal with the commands below
pip install feast==0.30.2 pip install feast[spark] pip install pyspark==3.2.0

If you get a TypeError, check if the troubleshooting section has a solution for you.

  • If the above commands compiled without error you have now setup feast successfully
  • Ensure that you have the dataset file copied in the data folder to a s3 bucket or ADLS bucket before you start.
  • Next, check that Spark on CML is able to read the file you have kept in a remote S3 ( or ADLS location) by running the Dataload.ipynb

Changes to feature definition file.

Finally, you need to change the feature_store.yaml file in $HOME/feast_project/feature_repo to the values of the datalake that you are using, so make the changes

    # change this in Featurestore.yaml
    spark.sql.warehouse.dir: "s3a://< AWS datalake name>/data/warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive"
    spark.hadoop.fs.s2a.s3guard.ddb.region: "us-east-1"
    spark.yarn.access.hadoopFileSystems: "s3a://<AWS datalake name>/"   

Finally update the feast_project/feature_rep feature_store.yaml file with the right directory locations

If everything is set up right,

    cd  $HOME/feast_project/feature_repo 
    feast apply 

should compile the feature specifications

after feast apply this is the output you are looking for towards creation of a feature service

    Hive Session ID = a2e4bd49-9bdf-4fa9-b74a-f0ffd1d522e6
    Created entity driver
    Created feature view driver_hourly_stats
    Created feature service driver_activity_v1

check the Feature-store-dev.ipynb to see how to consume the feature store for offline training and online serving example

Running / Executing Feast

The command below executes a complete feast workflow including setting up historical feature store, online feature store, feature views and dynamic feature computations


Example : Inline Feature store usage using API

Run the commands in $HOME/Feature-store-dev.ipynb to understand how to access the online and offline feature store.

Setting up the Feast User Interface

Create a new application in CML using and resources 1 vcPU and 2 GB memory. this will ensure that you can use the Feast UI within CML to view the Feature Catalog as well as available features.


if you get an error as below
TypeError: the 'package' argument is required to perform a relative import for '.ipynb_checkpoints.example-checkpoint' it means that ipython notebook has created a checkpoint use the command below and again try Feast apply
rm -fR .ipynb_checkpoints/


Set up Feast Spark on Cloudera Machine Learning






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