In this group project, we were tasked with designing and integrating a SQL database in Python to create a web application called MakersBnB within 4 days.
MakersBnB is an AirBnB replica web application where you can register as a user, log-in as a user, and find and book accomodation or offer accomodation to be booked.
# Install dependencies and set up the virtual environment
; pipenv install
# Activate the virtual environment
; pipenv shell
# Install the virtual browser we will use for testing
; playwright install
# If you have problems with the above, contact your coach
# Create a test and development database
# Open lib/ and change the database names
; open lib/
# Run the tests (with extra logging)
; pytest -sv
# Run the app
; python
# Now visit http://localhost:5000/index in your browser
```# Makers_BnB