An accessible, easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web.
For examples of the datepicker in action, go to
To run that demo on your own computer:
- Clone this repository
npm install
npm run storybook
- Visit http://localhost:9001/
Ensure packages are installed with correct version numbers by running:
export PKG=react-dates;
npm info "$PKG" peerDependencies --json | command sed 's/[\{\},]//g ; s/: /@/g; s/ *//g' | xargs npm install --save "$PKG"
Which produces and runs a command like:
npm install --save react-dates moment@>=#.## react@>=#.## react-dom@>=#.## react-addons-shallow-compare@>=#.##
We have a handful of different components and utilities available for all of your date picking needs!
This fully-controlled component is designed to allow a user to select both a start date and an end date. It is best suited for a selecting a relatively short date range some time in the next year.
Moment objects representing the currently selected start and end dates. To indicate that a date has not yet been selected, these are set to null
startDate: momentPropTypes.momentObj
endDate: momentPropTypes.momentObj
is the callback necessary to update the date state being held in the parent component and pass that back down to the DateRangePicker
as props. onDatesChange
receives an object of the form
{ startDate: momentPropTypes.momentObj, endDate: momentPropTypes.momentObj }
as an argument.
onDatesChange: PropTypes.func
The focusedInput
prop indicates which of the two inputs is currently focused, if either. You can import the START_DATE
constants from react-dates/constants
focusedInput: PropTypes.oneOf([START_DATE, END_DATE])
is the callback necessary to update the focus state being held in the parent component and pass that back down to the DateRangePicker
as a prop. onFocusChange
receives either START_DATE
, or null
as an argument.
onFocusChange: PropTypes.func
Date selection rules:
The value of minimumNights
indicates the minimum number of days between the start date and the end date.
minimumNights: PropTypes.number
To indicate which days are blocked from selection, you may provide a function to the isDayBlocked
prop. As of v1.0.0, we allow blocked dates inside of ranges.
isDayBlocked: PropTypes.func
indicates which days are out of selectable range.
Past dates out of range by default. If you would like to allow the user to select days in the past, you may set isOutsideRange
to () => false
Right now we have an expectation that this function returns true for a continuous range of dates from -Infinity to some date and/or from some date to +Infinity. This is relevant to the minimum nights logic. If you would like to prevent the user from selecting a non-continuous set of dates, you should use isDayBlocked
isOutsideRange: PropTypes.func
Calendar presentation:
indicates the number of visible months at a time.
numberOfMonths: PropTypes.number
By default, we do not show days from the previous month and the next month in the same table as the currently visible month. However, sometimes, and especially if the numberOfMonths
prop is set to 1, it might make sense to allow users to see these days as well. To do, you may set enabledOutsideDays
to true. These days can still be styled by selecting on the CalendarMonth__day--outside
enableOutsideDays: PropTypes.bool
DayPicker presentation:
The orientation
prop indicates whether months are stacked on top of each other or displayed side-by-side. You can import the HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION
constants from react-dates/constants
was designed for use on mobile devices. Namely, if this prop is set to true, the DayPicker
will be rendered centrally on the screen, above the current plane, with a transparent black background behind it. Clicking on the background will hide the DayPicker
. This option is currently only available for a DateRangePicker
with a horizontal orientation.
withPortal: PropTypes.bool
is a full-screen takeover version of the withPortal
prop. Similarly to withPortal
, the DayPicker
is rendered centrally on the screen, above the current plane. However, instead of a clickable transparent black background, the background is solid and white. To close the datepicker, the user must either select a date or click the close button located at the top right of the screen.
withFullScreenPortal: PropTypes.bool
Input presentation:
The startDateId
and endDateId
props are assigned to the actual <input>
DOM elements for accessibility reasons. They default to the values of the START_DATE
startDateId: PropTypes.string
endDateId: PropTypes.string
The startDatePlaceholderText
and endDatePlaceholderText
props are the placeholders for the two inputs. As of v1.0.0, they are also used as the label text for their respective inputs.
startDatePlaceholderText: PropTypes.string,
endDatePlaceholderText: PropTypes.string,
If the showClearDates
prop is set to true, an x
shows up in the input box that allows you to clear out both dates and reset the input.
showClearDates: PropTypes.bool,
If the disabled
prop is set to true, onFocusChange is not called when onStartDateFocus or onEndDateFocus are invoked and disabled is assigned to the actual <input>
DOM elements.
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
Some useful callbacks:
If you need to do something when the user navigates between months (for instance, check the availability of a listing), you can do so using the onPrevMonthClick
and onNextMonthClick
onPrevMonthClick: PropTypes.func,
onNextMonthClick: PropTypes.func,
While we have reasonable defaults for english, we understand that that's not the only language in the world! :) At Airbnb, more than 50% of users visit our site in a language other than english. Thus, in addition to supporting moment locales, the DateRangePicker
accepts a number of props to allow for this.
The displayFormat
prop is either a string that abides by moment's date formatting rules or a function that returns a string that follows these rules. It defaults to the value of moment's L
format in whatever locale you happen to be in at the time of render.
displayFormat: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func])
The monthFormat
prop abides by moment's date formatting rules and indicates the format in which to display dates at the top of each calendar. It defaults to MMMM YYYY
monthFormat: PropTypes.string,
The phrases
prop is an object that contains all the English language phrases currently part of the class. As of now, we only have two such phrases and neither are visible but they are used for screen-reader navigation of the datepicker.
phrases: PropTypes.shape({
closeDatePicker: PropTypes.node,
clearDates: PropTypes.node,
** Display picker when clicked on clear button: **
The reopenPickerOnClearDates
helps to control whether to show the date picker when the clear option is clicked. This is set to false
by default
which means that the picker does not open when the clear button is clicked by default. To display the picker one must explicitly set it to true
reopenPickerOnClearDates: PropTypes.bool
This fully-controlled component is designed to allow a user to select a single date.
Moment objects representing the currently selected date. This is set to null
when no date has yet been selected.
date: momentPropTypes.momentObj
is the callback necessary to update the date state held in the parent component. It expects a single argument equal to either null
or a moment object.
onDateChange: PropTypes.func
A boolean representing whether or not the date input is currently focused.
focused: PropTypes.bool
is the callback necessary to update the focus state in the parent component. It expects a single argument of the form { focused: PropTypes.bool }
onFocusChange: PropTypes.func
Date selection rules:
These properties are the same as provided to the <DateRangePicker />
To indicate which days are blocked from selection, you may either provide an array of moment objects to the blockedDates
prop or you may set blockedByDefault
to true and provide available days as an array of moment objects to the unblockedDates
prop, depending on what makes sense for you.
blockedDates: PropTypes.arrayOf(momentPropTypes.momentObj)
blockedByDefault: PropTypes.bool
unblockedDates: PropTypes.arrayOf(momentPropTypes.momentObj)
indicates which days are out of selectable range.
Past dates out of range by default. If you would like to allow the user to select days in the past, you may set isOutsideRange
to () => false
Right now we have an expectation that this function returns true for a continuous range of dates from -Infinity to some date and/or from some date to +Infinity. This is relevant to the minimum nights logic. If you would like to prevent the user from selecting a non-continuous set of dates, you should use isDayBlocked
isOutsideRange: PropTypes.func
Calendar presentation:
These properties are the same as provided to the <DateRangePicker />
indicates the number of visible months at a time.
numberOfMonths: PropTypes.number
By default, we do not show days from the previous month and the next month in the same table as the currently visible month. However, sometimes, and especially if the numberOfMonths
prop is set to 1, it might make sense to allow users to see these days as well. To do, you may set enabledOutsideDays
to true. These days can still be styled by selecting on the CalendarMonth__day--outside
enableOutsideDays: PropTypes.bool
DayPicker presentation:
These properties are the same as provided to the <DateRangePicker />
The orientation
prop indicates whether months are stacked on top of each other or displayed side-by-side. You can import the HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION
constants from react-dates/constants
was designed for use on mobile devices. Namely, if this prop is set to true, the DayPicker
will be rendered centrally on the screen, above the current plane, with a transparent black background behind it. Clicking on the background will hide the DayPicker
. This option is currently only available for a DateRangePicker
with a horizontal orientation.
withPortal: PropTypes.bool
is a full-screen takeover version of the withPortal
prop. Similarly to withPortal
, the DayPicker
is rendered centrally on the screen, above the current plane. However, instead of a clickable transparent black background, the background is solid and white. To close the datepicker, the user must either select a date or click the close button located at the top right of the screen.
withFullScreenPortal: PropTypes.bool
Input presentation:
The id
prop is assigned to the actual <input>
DOM element. It is currently required for accessibility reasons.
id: PropTypes.string.isRequired
The placeholder
props is the placeholder text for the input. It is both applied as an actual placeholder to the DOM <input>
and as a placeholder for the display text. As of v1.0.0, it is also used as label text.
placeholder: PropTypes.string
Some useful callbacks:
These properties are the same as provided to the <DateRangePicker />
If you need to do something when the user navigates between months (for instance, check the availability of a listing), you can do so using the onPrevMonthClick
and onNextMonthClick
onPrevMonthClick: PropTypes.func
onNextMonthClick: PropTypes.func
The displayFormat
prop is either a string that abides by moment's date formatting rules or a function that returns a string that follows these rules. It defaults to the value of moment's L
format in whatever locale you happen to be in at the time of render.
displayFormat: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.func])
The monthFormat
prop abides by moment's date formatting rules and indicates the format in which to display dates at the top of each calendar. It defaults to MMMM YYYY
monthFormat: PropTypes.string
The phrases
prop is an object that contains all the English language phrases currently part of the class. As of v1.0.0, we only have one such phrases and it is not visible but is used for screen-reader navigation of the datepicker.
phrases: PropTypes.shape({
closeDatePicker: PropTypes.node,
This fully-controlled component renders a designated number of months and allows for user interaction with days. It is possible to navigate between months using this component.
Calendar Presentation:
These properties are the same as provided to the <DateRangePicker />
and <SingleDatePicker />
indicates the number of visible months at a time.
numberOfMonths: PropTypes.number
By default, we do not show days from the previous month and the next month in the same table as the currently visible month. However, sometimes, and especially if the numberOfMonths
prop is set to 1, it might make sense to allow users to see these days as well. To do, you may set enabledOutsideDays
to true. These days can still be styled by selecting on the CalendarMonth__day--outside
enableOutsideDays: PropTypes.bool
DayPicker Presentation:
The orientation
prop indicates whether months are stacked on top of each other or displayed side-by-side. You can import the HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION
constants from react-dates/constants
exists primarily for use in conjunction with the <DateRangePicker />
and <SingleDatePicker />
components. It will not do much if a DayPicker
is rendered on its own with it set to true other than modify some position-related styles and remove a box-shadow.
withPortal: PropTypes.bool,
The modifiers
object maps modifier names (designated as strings) to functions that take in a moment object and return a boolean value. An example of a modifiers
object could be as follows:
friday: (day) => moment.weekdays(day.weekday()) === 'Friday',
Then, every Friday in the visible calendar would have the class CalendarMonth__day--friday
applied to it and could be styled appropriately. By default, the only modifier that is always applied is the outside
modifier which is applied to dates on the calendar that might still be visible but fall outside of the current month.
modifiers: PropTypes.object,
Day interaction callbacks:
These callbacks get triggered when the relevant event ('click', 'mousedown', etc.) occurs on any visible CalendarDay
component. The callback gets back 3 arguments, the day represented as a moment object, an array of strings representing the modifiers that are applicable to that day, and the event object itself.
has been implemented in-house and has not yet been thoroughly tested. We recommend using onDayClick
whenever possible.
onDayClick: PropTypes.func,
onDayMouseDown: PropTypes.func,
onDayMouseUp: PropTypes.func,
onDayMouseEnter: PropTypes.func,
onDayMouseLeave: PropTypes.func,
onDayTouchStart: PropTypes.func,
onDayTouchEnd: PropTypes.func,
onDayTouchTap: PropTypes.func,
Some other useful callbacks:
If you need to do something when the user navigates between months (for instance, check the availability of a listing), you can do so using the onPrevMonthClick
and onNextMonthClick
onPrevMonthClick: PropTypes.func,
onNextMonthClick: PropTypes.func,
If you need to do something when the user clicks outside of the DayPicker
(for instance, hide the DayPicker
), you may do so using the onOutsideClick
onOutsideClick: PropTypes.func,
The monthFormat
prop abides by moment's date formatting rules and indicates the format in which to display dates at the top of each calendar. It defaults to MMMM YYYY
monthFormat: PropTypes.string,
We provide four utility methods for date comparison:
Each of these methods takes in two moment objects and returns a boolean, indicating whether the first argument is inclusively after, inclusively before, the day immediately after, or the same day as the second argument.
react-dates comes with a set of SCSS variables that can be overridden to add your own project-specific theming. Override any variables found in css/variables.scss
with your own and then import ~react-dates/css/styles.scss
(and ~react-dates/css/variables.scss
if you're only overriding a few). If you were using sass-loader with webpack, the code below would properly override the selected variables:
//overriding default sass variables with my project's colors
$react-dates-color-primary: $some-color-specific-to-my-project;
$react-dates-color-primary-dark: $some-other-color-specific-to-my-project;
@import '~react-dates/css/variables.scss';
@import '~react-dates/css/styles.scss';