- Discord bot token | https://discord.com/developers/applications
- Your discord guildId
- Your discord clientId(Bot ID)
- A customer role (create a customer role)
- A Owner role (name must be Owner)
- A MongoDB Account and database.
- Once you have setup the mongo db properly naviagte to server.js and input your connection uri here const dbURI = "HERE"
- express | npm install express
- mongoose | npm install mongoose
- moment | npm install moment
- discord.js | npm install discord.js
- license-key-generator | npm install license-key-generator
//You can make changes to the options object for specific key requirements
//See here https://www.npmjs.com/package/license-key-generator for more options
const options = {
type: "random", // default "random"
length: 16, // default 16
group: 4, // default 4
split: "-", // default "-"
splitStatus: true // default true
- Start server.bat
- Start bot.bat
- Done
- Make sure you run server.bat before you try to run commands for the bot in the server.