Gracefully generate emails and phone numbers and view content(s) sent to them!
Verify-API Cheat Sheet
Overview: Gracefully Generate Email accounts/Phone Numbers and view contents sent to them.
The generateEmail function sends a request to the API to generate a new email for you, and returns an object.
Example Usage:
const Genemail = await generateEmail();
console.log('[+] Generated Email: ' +;
console.log('[+] Cookie: ' + Genemail.cookie);
console.log('[+] XSFR Token: ' + Genemail.x_xsfr_token);
The getMessageID function will return an array of messages received on the generated email. The array will contain the messageID, subject, and date received.
Find the messageID of the email you want to get the body of by looping through the array.
const messages = await getMessageID(email, cookie, x_xsfr_token);
messages.forEach(message => {
console.log(`Message ID: ${message.messageID}, Subject: ${message.subject}`);
The getEmailBody function returns the body of the email you want to get the body of. You will need to pass the email and messageID of the email you want to get the body of.
const emailBody = await getEmailBody(email, messageID);
console.log('[+] Email Content: ' + emailBody);
The generateNumber function will return an object containing the number, country code, cookie, and xsfr token.
Usage Example:
const genNumber = await generateNumber();
console.log('[+] Generated Number: ' + genNumber.number);
console.log('[+] Country_Code: ' + genNumber.country_code);
console.log('[+] Cookies: ' + genNumber.cookie);
console.log('[+] XSFR-Token: ' + genNumber.x_xsfr_token);
The getPhoneMessages function will return an array of messages received on the generated phone number. The array will contain the messageID, subject, and time received.
Loop through the array of objects and find a specific provider you are looking for.
const phoneMessages = await getPhoneMessages(number, cookie, x_xsfr_token);
phoneMessages.forEach(msg => {
console.log(`Message ID: ${msg.messageID}, From: ${msg.from}, Content: ${msg.message}`);
More Indepth:
Generate Email: generateEmail function sends a request to the api to generate a new email for you, and returns a object (Follow instructions to return just email)
let obj = {
cookie: `${XSFR}; ${gmailnator_session}`,
x_xsfr_token: `${x_xsfr_token}=`
Example Usage:
const Genemail = await generateEmail();
console.log(`[+] Generated Email: ` + // returns just email generated
console.log(`[+] Generated Email: ` + Genemail.cookie) // returns cookie (only needed for getMessageID and getEmailBody function)
console.log(`[+] Generated Email: ` + Genemail.x_xsfr_token) // returns xsfr token (only needed for getMessageID and getEmailBody function)
getMessageID function will return an array of messages recieved on the generated email.
The array will contain the messageID, subject, and date recieved.
You could loop through the array and find the messageID of the email you want to get the body of.
Instructions are left in the getMessageID.js file.
getEmailBody function will return the body of the email you want to get the body of.
You will need to pass the email and messageID of the email you want to get the body of.
const emailBody = await getEmailBody(email, messageID);
console.log('[+] Email Content: ' + emailBody)
generateNumber function will return an object containing the number, country code, cookie and xsfr token.
Usage Example:
const genNumber = await generateNumber();
console.log(`[+] Generated Number: ` + genNumber.number)
console.log(`[+] Country_Code: ` + genNumber.country_code)
console.log(`[+] Cookies: ` + genNumber.cookie)
console.log(`[+] XSFR-Token: ` + genNumber.x_xsfr_token)
getPhoneMessages function will return an array of messages recieved on the generated phone number.
The array will contain the messageID, subject, and time recieved.
You could loop through the array of objects and find a specific provider you are looking for.
A Usage Example is left in the getPhoneID.js file.
Response from api:
"messageID": 572134,
"from": "Facebook",
"message": "962630 is your Facebook code. Don't share it.",
"time": "1 hour ago"
CSFR TOKEN Mis-Match | Status: Fixed
XSFR-TOKEN not matching| Status: Fixed