** This work is being done as part of the Course Method development translator **
The repository has translator from C to C#, on the language C++
Base file: (russian language: Vishnikov Y.M. BalabaevaI.Y. PDF):
- Translator (parent)
- LexicalAnalisator (inherit up, parent)
- ReversePolishNotation (inherit up, parent)
- SyntaxAnalisator (inherit up, parent)
- Translate_csharp (inherit up, parent)
- TranslatroFromCToCSharp(inherit up, parent)
- lexicalAnalyze
- reversePolishNotAnalyze
- syntaxAnalyze
- translateToCSharp
TranslatorFromCToCSharp translator; translator.lexicalAnalyze(fileText_C); translator.reversePolishNotAnalyze(); In condition(if) translator.syntaxAnalyze() == true translator.translateToCSharp();
All method save file to folder "translator_file"
Multiple inheritance is present.
The reason for this table decision.
- What is, and inherit tables (identifiers, constants, etc.)
- All classes will be inherited from the same class, as they should be "Translator",
but then you have to pass in the table constructor, and make them open or apply getters - Maybe using pattern "Template"
Microsoft Visual Studio Profession 2019
Language C++, C++/CLI (Windows forms)