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Node-fetch wrapper

The goal is to add some extra functionality to node-fetch in a non-intrusive way:

  • Extra options:
    • type FetchResource: Parameters<fetch>[0]
    • type FetchState: {retryCount: number, fetchId: string, resource: FetchResource, options: FetchOptions}
    • type FetchStats: {ok, error, totalMs, sentMs, receivedMs, sent, received}
    • retry: number | ({error: Error, response: Response, state: FetchState}) => Promise<boolean | {resource: FetchResource, options: FetchOptions} (could just return state)>
      • number is just an easy option to retry with a given number of attempts
      • and function is an interface in which you can make complex rules whether to retry or not
        • returning true = retry
        • returning falsy = don't retry, fetch will throw the original error
        • returning object = retry with given parameters (allows you to modify request on retry)
        • throwing = don't retry, fetch will throw what you've thrown
    • validate: true | (response: Omit<Response, "body">, state: FetchState) => Promise<void>: throws allows to retry the request (with no body consumed yet!) on particular circumstances
      • if true, then validate: res => if (!res.ok ) throw HttpError
    • validate.json, validate.buffer, etc - same rule as validate, but with access to the parsed body (result: any, state: FetchState)
    • timeout: number: default value for all the request handling (doing the request + fetching the body); same as in node-fetch v2
    • requestTimeout = timeout for await fetch(...) (includes body upload time)
    • bodyTimeout = timeout for fetching the whole body, i.e. await res.json()
    • stallTimeout = same as body, except instead of fixed time of fetching the whole body, we count the time of download speed of 0 bytes/s
  • todo: abort controller we use for timeout handling shouldn't ignore abort controller given in the options (already put the comment in the code)
  • todo: noProgress but for file upload (request)?
  • Extra Response fields:
    • completed: Promise<FetchStats>: Promise for body completion - rejects if fetch body or validation failed
  • makeFetch with built-in async-sema options like Sema and RateLimit
  • rich logging: ?
    • request start (include the body if it's string)
    • request done/failed
    • download for larger bodies (maybe with download speed?)
    • retries
    • sema
  • tests
  • todo: download helper that will hash on fly and have retry support

Helper StatsStream: maybe exists somewhere? re-export or rebuild