Closed Alpha v0.5.2
There are a ton of fixes and a couple features in this update.
!!! Initial Linux support
- Allow colour correction UI to be opened without tools mode
- Added SetSpeed input to trigger_push
- Added experimental Volumetric Lighting for env_projectedtextures
- Added Max Bounce option to energy pellet launchers
!!! Fixed demo player
!!! Fixed incorrect sprite scaling
!!! Fixed numerous issues with vphysics save/load causing constraints to break
- Fixed fizzling a laser reflecting cube crashing the game
- Fixed loading a save in a workshop map kicking you to the menu
- Fixed laser collision breaking after redirection
- Fixed broken shadows on underwater objects lit by a projected texture
- Fixed broken wind in SP
- Fixed broken laser colour on lasers marked as lethal
- Fixed laser end particles persisting after deactivation
- Fixed Challenge Mode end screen
- Fixed the second player viewmodel not rendering in splitscreen
- Fixed the vertical reportaling exploit not working
- Fixed snapping of personality core animations
- Fixed portal ghosts showing inconsistently
- Fixed Schrodinger Cube linkage breaking after save/load
- Fixed player view transitions on angled portals
- Fixed paint not painting anything on Linux
- Fixed portal gun recoil damping
- Fixed chapters not being unlocked
- Fixed env_projectedtexture min/max being incorrectly clamped
- Fixed gel splash screen effect
- Fixed trigger_paint_cleanser ignoring spawnflags
- Fixed incorrect panel rotation in sp_a2_bts5
- Fixed tracktrain parenting causing issues with Wheatley in sp_a2_core
- Fixed subtitle colouring
- Fixed voice line pitch
- Fixed VGUI screens not rendering when looking at them sometimes
- Fixed point_posecontroller drift
- Fixed fizzler sounds sometimes always playing