GazeSCRNN is a spiking convolutional recurrent neural network designed for event-based near-eye gaze tracking. This repository contains the official implementation of the model, training scripts, and evaluation metrics.
To install the required dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Besides the Python dependencies, training and testing the GazeSCRNN models requires the EV-Eye dataset to be present in the EV_Eye_dataset directory. The EV-Eye dataset can be obtained by following the steps here.
To train the GazeSCRNN model, run the script with the desired parameters. For example:
python Experiment1 --data_preload --gpus 0 --fptt
Alternatively, you can train the GazeSCRNN model with one of the predefined configurations. For example:
xargs python --gpus 0 < configs/GazeSCRNN-Events300-FPTT-Backprop8.txt
To test a checkpoint of the GazeSCRNN model, run the script with the desired parameters:
python <experiment_name> <path_to_checkpoint_file> --gpus <gpu_id>
This will output the evaluation metrics such as Mean Angle Error (MAE), Mean Pupil Error (MPE), and Mean Firing Rate (MFR).
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.