##Work in progress.............##
This project is done in Symfony 2.1 framework and with the help of Guzzle framework. SymGuzzle can used as HTTP RESTful web service clients.
#####STEP 1.just download the folder in your www folder.
#####STEP 2. Modify contain in file src/Client/RequestBundle/Controller/RequestController.php as per your requirement as follows.
#####Note: Modify only content between the comments##
//dynamic setting depend on requirements
$nonce = substr(md5(uniqid('nonce_', true)),0,16);
$time = time();
$digest= base64_encode(openssl_digest( $nonce.$time.$password, 'sha512'));
$token="UsernameToken Username=\"".$username."\", PasswordDigest=\"".$password."\", Nonce=\"".$nonce."\", Created=\"".$time."\"";
$responses=$client->get('http://example.api.com/, null, array ())->send()->getBody();
To modify this content Please refer documents of Guzzle and misd-guzzle-bundle
#####STEP 3. Run in browser something like this http://localhost/SymGuzzle/web/app_dev.php/request.That's it!
###You are Done!###