This repository contains the backend for developing and deploying smart contracts on StarkNet using Cairo. The backend provides functionalities for creating, managing, and deploying smart contracts, along with utilities to interact with StarkNet's blockchain.
- Develop smart contracts using Cairo.
- Compile and deploy contracts to StarkNet.
- Interact with deployed contracts (read/write operations).
- Integrated testing utilities for Cairo contracts.
- Scripts for automating deployments and contract management.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow the steps below:
Fork the repository. Create a feature branch. this got to be feat/name-of-branch Commit your changes. feat:changes Open a pull request.
To get started, ensure you have the following installed:
- Python >= 3.9
- Cairo-lang: Installation Guide
- StarkNet CLI: Quickstart
- Node.js >= 14 (for optional utilities)
- pip: For managing Python dependencies
Fork and then clone the repository:
git clone cd cairo-backend
starknet-compile path/to/contract.cairo --output path/to/output.json
starknet deploy --contract path/to/output.json --network testnet 3. Test contracts pytest tests/
Each contract, connection or backend contributing must come with their own test to check up funcionality!