o3d3xx-ros is a wrapper around libo3d3xx enabling the usage of IFM Efector O3D3xx ToF cameras from within ROS software systems.
o3d3xx-ros version | libo3d3xx version | ROS distribution(s) |
0.1.3 | 0.1.9 | Indigo |
0.1.4 | 0.1.9 | Indigo |
0.1.5 | 0.1.11 | Indigo |
0.1.6 | 0.1.11 | Indigo |
0.1.7 | 0.2.0 | Indigo |
0.1.8 | 0.2.0 | Indigo |
0.2.0 | 0.3.0 | Indigo |
0.2.1 | 0.4.0 | Indigo |
0.2.2 | 0.4.0, 0.4.1, 0.4.2 | Indigo |
Additionally, your compiler must support C++11. This package was initially developed and tested using g++ 4.8.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This is the stock gcc-based C++ compiler on Ubuntu 14.04.
NOTE: Since we are talking about ROS here, we assume you are on Ubuntu Linux.
You should first ensure that you have installed ROS by following
these instructions. The
installation is highly recommended.
Next, you should be sure to install libo3d3xx. This ROS package assumes you have installed libo3d3xx via the supported debian installer. Step-by-step instructions for that process now follows:
$ git clone https://github.com/lovepark/libo3d3xx.git
$ cd libo3d3xx
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
We now move on to building o3d3xx-ros.
Building and installing o3d3xx-ros is accomplished by utilizing the ROS catkin tool. There are many tutorials and other pieces of advice available on-line advising how to most effectively utilize catkin. However, the basic idea is to provide a clean separation between your source code repository and your build and runtime environments. The instructions that now follow represent how we choose to use catkin to build and permanently install a ROS package from source.
First, we need to decide where we want our software to ultimately be
installed. For purposes of this document, we will assume that we will install
our ROS packages at ~/ros
. For convenience, we add the following to our
if [ -f /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash ]; then
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
cd ${HOME}
export LPR_ROS=${HOME}/ros
if [ -d ${LPR_ROS} ]; then
for i in $(ls ${LPR_ROS}); do
if [ -d ${LPR_ROS}/${i} ]; then
if [ -f ${LPR_ROS}/${i}/setup.bash ]; then
source ${LPR_ROS}/${i}/setup.bash --extend
Next, we need to get the code from github. We assume we keep all of our git
repositories in ~/dev
$ cd ~/dev
$ git clone https://github.com/lovepark/o3d3xx-ros.git
We now have the code in ~/dev/o3d3xx-ros
. Next, we want to create a catkin
workspace that we can use to build and install that code from. It is the
catkin philosophy that we do not do this directly in the source directory.
$ cd ~/dev
$ mkdir o3d3xx-catkin
$ cd o3d3xx-catkin
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ ln -s ~/dev/o3d3xx-ros o3d3xx
So, you should have a catkin workspace set up to build the o3d3xx-ros code that looks basically like:
[ ~/dev/o3d3xx-catkin/src ]
tpanzarella@jelly: $ pwd
[ ~/dev/o3d3xx-catkin/src ]
tpanzarella@jelly: $ ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tpanzarella tpanzarella 49 Dec 2 15:26 CMakeLists.txt -> /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tpanzarella tpanzarella 32 Dec 2 15:24 o3d3xx -> /home/tpanzarella/dev/o3d3xx-ros
Now we are ready to build the code.
$ cd ~/dev/o3d3xx-catkin
$ catkin_make
$ cd build
$ make run_tests
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${LPR_ROS}/o3d3xx install
The ROS package should now be installed in ~/ros/o3d3xx
. To test everything
out you should open a fresh bash shell, and start up a ROS core:
$ roscore
Open another shell and start the primary camera node:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx camera.launch ip:=
NOTE: The IP address of your camera may differ. If you are using the
factory default (, you do not need to specify it on the above
Open another shell and start the rviz node to visualize the data coming from the camera:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx rviz.launch
At this point, you should see an rviz window that looks something like:
Congratulations! You can now utilize o3d3xx-ros.
This node provides a real-time feed to the camera data. This node is started
from the primary camera.launch
$ roslaunch o3d3xx camera.launch
The naming of the camera can be customized via the ns
(namespace) and nn
(node name) command line arguments passed to the camera.launch
file. For
example, if you specify your roslaunch command as:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx camera.launch ns:=robot nn:=front_camera
The node will have the name /robot/front_camera
in the ROS computation
<td>16-bit gray scale encoding of the sensor Amplitude image
normalized wrt exposure time. </td>
<td>16-bit gray scale encoding of the sensor Amplitude image
A 3D PCL point cloud of point type `XYZI`. In this encoding the
intensity channel is represented by the corresponding pixel's
amplitude data. The units of this point cloud are in meters.
An 8-bit mono image encoding of the confidence image. The meaning
of each bit of each pixel value is discussed in the official IFM
documentation for the camera.
A 16-bit mono image encoding of the radial depth map from the
camera. The depth units are in millimeters.
A rendering of the depth image utilizing a colormap more
human-friendly for visualization purposes. For performance
reasons, messages are only published to this topic when the
`publish_viz_images` parameter is set to true at launch time.
A binary image showing good vs. bad pixels on the pixel array. Bad
pixels can be caused by numerous reasons (e.g., motion blur over
an integration/exposure timestep). Visualizing this data is useful
for when you are tuning your imager parameters. For performance
reasons, messages are only published to this topic when the
`publish_viz_images` parameter is set to true at launch time.
An OpenCV image encoding (CV_16SC3) of the same point cloud that
is published to `/o3d3xx/camera/cloud` where the three image planes
are 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z. Units are in millimeters yet the coord
frame is consistent with the point cloud.
An OpenCV image encoding (CV_32FC3) of the rotated unit vectors
that can be used together with the translation vector from the
camera extrinsics and the radial distance image to compute the
cartesian coordinates for each pixel in the imager array off-board
the camera. This topic is latched.
<td><a href="msg/Extrinsics.msg">Extrinsics.msg</a></td>
Extrinsics as reported by the camera. The translation vector here
is used together with the unit vectors and the radial distance
image to compute the Cartesian coordinates for each pixel in the
imager array. It should be noted that for this message, the
translational units are in mm and the rotational units are in
degrees. This is to be consistent with the camera eventhough it is
not necessarily consistent with ROS conventions. Usage of this
message is really for very specialized use-cases.
Topic | Message | Description |
Service Name | Service Definition | Description |
/o3d3xx/camera/Config | Config.srv | Mutates camera settings based upon an input JSON file. NOTE: Due to what appears to be limitations in the YAML parsing of the stock ROS `rosservice` command line tool (i.e., it does not handle JSON as string payload well) you will have to use the /o3d3xx/camera/config_node to configure the camera. This is explained in further detail below. |
/o3d3xx/camera/Dump | Dump.srv | Dumps the current configuration of the camera to a JSON string. The output of this dump is suitable for editing and passing to the `Config` service for configuring the camera. |
/o3d3xx/camera/GetVersion | GetVersion.srv | Returns the current version of the underlying libo3d3xx library that this ROS node is linked to. |
/o3d3xx/camera/Rm | Rm.srv | Removes an application from the camera. This service will restrict removing the current active application. |
Name | Data Type | Description |
ip | string | IP address of the camera |
xmlrpc_port | int | TCP port the camera's XMLRPC server is listening on |
password | string | Password to use to connect to the camera |
schema_mask | uint16_t | Mask controlling which image types to stream back from the camera. This is useful for numerous reasons. It allows for conserving bandwidth between the host computer and the camera or lessens the CPU cycles required by the camera to compute image data which may result in an increased frame rate. See the o3d3xx-schema command line tool for generating custom masks. |
timeout_millis | int | Time, in milliseconds, to block when waiting for a frame from the camera before timing out. |
timeout_tolerance_secs | double | Time, in seconds, to wait before trying to restart the underlying framegrabber if it is currently experiencing timeouts while trying to capture image data. |
publish_viz_images | bool | In general, for a runtime system, the core data a system will want from this camera include the `cloud`, `depth`, `amplitude`, and `confidence` images. This node will always publish those data. However, if you set this parameter to `true` a few additional images are published. These are `depth_viz` and `good_bad_pixels` (they are described above in the `Topics` section). These viz images are intended for human analysis and visualization in `rviz`. |
frame_id_base | string | tf frame prefix |
This node is of type tf/static_transform_publisher
. It establishes a frame_id
for the camera in the global tf tree. This node is launched from the primary
$ roslaunch o3d3xx camera.launch
When run as above, the tf publishing node would be named /o3d3xx/camera_tf
and the camera coordinate frame would be o3d3xx/camera_link
in the tf tree.
You can customize this naming via the frame_id_base
arg or implicitly through
the ns
(namespace) and nn
(node name) command line arguments passed to the
file. For example, if you specify your roslaunch command as:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx camera.launch ns:=robot nn:=front_camera
The node name will be /robot/front_camera_tf
and the camera frame will
be robot/front_camera_link
in the tf tree.
This node is used as a proxy to simplify calling the /o3d3xx/camera/Config
service offered by the /o3d3xx/camera
node. It was noted above that there
appears to be a limitation in the YAML parser of the ROS rosservice
line tool. Specifically, it seems that it is not capable of assigning a JSON
string to a variable. This is the reason for this node. This is not a
long-running node but rather works like a typical command-line tool would: you
invoke it, it runs, and exits. The following command line will launch this
$ roslaunch o3d3xx config.launch
Name | Data Type | Description |
infile | string | By default, this node will read `stdin` for a JSON string to use to pass to the `/o3d3xx/camera/Config` service. However, if this parameter is specified it will read the JSON from this file. |
This package offers a launch script that wraps the execution of rviz
so that
the display will be conveniently configured for visualizing the
data. To launch this node:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx rviz.launch
Running the command as above will color the point cloud with the data from the normalized amplitude image (i.e., the intensity).
The rviz window should look something like (assuming you are coloring the point cloud with the intensity data):
This package offers a launch script that wraps the
topic_tools/throttler node
so that it can throttle the core topics from the camera. Specifically, it will
throttle /o3d3xx/camera/cloud
to /o3d3xx/camera/cloud_throttle
to /o3d3xx/camera/amplitude_throttle
to /o3d3xx/camera/depth_throttle
to /o3d3xx/camera/confidence_throttle
. To launch
this node:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx throttled.launch
By default, it will throttle the above named topics to 1 Hz. You can change the
frequency with the hz
command line argument. For example, to send data at 2
$ roslaunch o3d3xx throttled.launch hz:=2.0
Using this launch file to launch this set of nodes is strictly optional. We
have found use for it in two ways. First, to slow down the publishing frequency
of the topics when used in conjunction with the /o3d3xx/camera/file_writer
node for collecting data (i.e., in those instances when we really do not need
all the data but rather some subsampling of it). Second, if we are running the
camera on a drone (for example) that has a slower radio link down to a ground
control station running rviz
where we want to see what the camera sees while
the drone is in flight. Clearly there are other uses for this, YMMV.
Configuring the camera is accomplished by passing a JSON string to the
which will call the /o3d3xx/camera/Config
service to mutate the camera settings. Using a JSON string to configure the
camera has the following primary benefits:
- Configuration is declarative. The camera configuration will reflect that which is described by the JSON file.
- The JSON data is human-consumable and easily edited in a text editor. This makes it very convenient for headless embedded systems.
- The JSON data is machine parsable, so configuring the camera on the fly via programmable logic is also possible.
There are also a few downfalls to using JSON. Most notably the lack of comments
and an enforceable schema. One could argue that the latter keeps things
flexible. None-the-less, JSON is the format used by libo3d3xx
and, by
extension, this ROS package.
An exemplary JSON file is shown here (this is the result
of calling the /o3d3xx/camera/Dump
service on a development system). When
passing a JSON string (like the previously linked to file) to the
service (or to the /o3d3xx/camera/config_node
) the
following rules are used to configure the camera:
- The
section is processed and saved on the camera. - The
section is processed. For each app: - If the
key is present, a current app at thatIndex
is looked up. If present, it is edited to reflect the data in the JSON file. If an app at thatIndex
is not present, a new app is created with the parameters from the JSON file. It is not guaranteed that the new app will have the specifiedIndex
. - If the
key is not present, a new app is created with the parameters as specified in the JSON file. - The active application is set by consulting the desired index of the
from theDevice
section of the JSON. If the specifiedIndex
does not exist, the active application is not set. - The
section is processed. A reboot of the camera may be necessary after changing the camera's network parameters. Additionally, you will likely need to restart the/o3d3xx/camera
node pointing it to the new IP address (if that is what you changed).
It should also be noted that any portion of the JSON tree can be specfied to configure only that part of the camera. The only rule to follow is that all keys should be fully qualified. For example, to simply set the active application, you can use a JSON snippet like this:
"ActiveApplication": "2"
The above snippet is provided as an example here. To apply this to your camera, you can:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx config.launch infile:=/path/to/ex_set_active.json
It was also noted above that the /o3d3xx/camera/config_node
will read stdin
by default, so you could also:
$ echo '{"o3d3xx":{"Device":{"ActiveApplication":"2"}}}' | roslaunch o3d3xx config.launch
Here is another example JSON file. This one will add a
new application to the camera, using the default values for the high-dynamic
range imager. We note that this application is added to the camera because no
is specified for the application. If an Index
were specfied, the
application at the specified Index
, if present, would be edited to reflect
this configuration.
In general, a simple way to configure camera settings without having to memorize the JSON syntax would be to simply dump the current camera settings to a file:
$ rosservice call /o3d3xx/camera/Dump > /tmp/camera.json
Then, open /tmp/camera.json
with a text editor to create a declarative JSON
configuration for your camera. You should be sure to delete the variable names
from the rosservice
output if you are following this example
word-for-word. Additionally, you can delete any unnecessary keys if you would
like, however it is not strictly necessary as the /o3d3xx/camera/Config
service will leave unedited values unchanged on the camera. Once you have a
configuration that you like, you can:
$ roslaunch o3d3xx config.launch infile:=/tmp/camera.json
You can check that your configuration is active by calling the
service again.
Please see the Github Issues.
Please see the file called LICENSE.
Tom Panzarella [email protected]