An Open-Source Library for Processing Documents using AI/ML in Apache Spark.
Source Code:
Quickstart: 1.QuickStart.ipynb
ScaleDP is library allows you to process documents using AI/ML capabilities and scale it using Apache Spark.
LLM (Large Language Models) and VLM (Vision Language Models) models are used to extract data from text and images in combination with OCR engines.
Discover pre-trained models for your projects or play with the thousands of models hosted on the Hugging Face Hub.
- Load PDF documents/Images to the Spark DataFrame
- Extract text from PDF documents/Images
- Extract images from PDF documents
- Extract structured data from text/images using LLM and ML models
Support various open-source OCR engines:
- Object detection on images using YOLO models
- Text detection on images
Support OpenAI compatible API for call LLM/VLM models (GPT, Gemini, GROQ, etc.)
- OCR Images/PDF documents using Vision LLM models
- Extract data from the image using Vision LLM models
- Extract data from the text/images using LLM models
- Extract data using DSPy framework
- Extract data from the text/images using NLP models from the Hugging Face Hub
- Visualize results
- Python 3.10 or higher
- Apache Spark 3.5 or higher
- Java 8
- Tesseract 4.0 or higher
Install the ScaleDP
package with pip:
pip install scaledp
Build image:
docker build -t scaledp .
Run container:
docker run -p 8888:8888 scaledp:latest
Open Jupyter Notebook in your browser:
Start a Spark session with ScaleDP:
from scaledp import *
spark = ScaleDPSession()
Read example image file:
image_example = files('resources/images/Invoice.png')
df ="binaryFile") \
Define pipeline for extract text from the image and run NER:
pipeline = PipelineModel(stages=[
DataToImage(inputCol="content", outputCol="image"),
TesseractOcr(inputCol="image", outputCol="text", psm=PSM.AUTO, keepInputData=True),
Ner(model="obi/deid_bert_i2b2", inputCol="text", outputCol="ner", keepInputData=True),
ImageDrawBoxes(inputCols=["image", "ner"], outputCol="image_with_boxes", lineWidth=3,
padding=5, displayDataList=['entity_group'])
result = pipeline.transform(df).cache()
Show NER results:
|entity_group| score| word|start|end| boxes|
| HOSP| 0.991257905960083| Hospital| 0| 8|[{Hospital:, 0.94...|
| LOC| 0.999171257019043| Dutton| 10| 16|[{Dutton,, 0.9609...|
| LOC| 0.9992585778236389| MI| 18| 20|[{MI, 0.93335297,...|
| ID| 0.6838774085044861| 26| 29| 31|[{26-123123, 0.90...|
| PHONE| 0.4669836759567261| -| 31| 32|[{26-123123, 0.90...|
| PHONE| 0.7790696024894714| 123123| 32| 38|[{26-123123, 0.90...|
| HOSP|0.37445762753486633| HOPE| 39| 43|[{HOPE, 0.9525460...|
| HOSP| 0.9503226280212402| HAVEN| 44| 49|[{HAVEN, 0.952546...|
| LOC| 0.9975488185882568|855 Howard| 59| 69|[{855, 0.94682700...|
| LOC| 0.9984399676322937| Street| 70| 76|[{Street, 0.95823...|
| HOSP| 0.3670221269130707| HOSPITAL| 77| 85|[{HOSPITAL, 0.959...|
| LOC| 0.9990363121032715| Dutton| 86| 92|[{Dutton,, 0.9647...|
| LOC| 0.999313473701477| MI 49316| 94|102|[{MI, 0.94589012,...|
| PHONE| 0.9830010533332825| ( 123 )| 110|115|[{(123), 0.595334...|
| PHONE| 0.9080978035926819| 456| 116|119|[{456-1238, 0.955...|
| PHONE| 0.9378324151039124| -| 119|120|[{456-1238, 0.955...|
| PHONE| 0.8746233582496643| 1238| 120|124|[{456-1238, 0.955...|
| PATIENT|0.45354968309402466|hopedutton| 132|142|[{hopedutton@hope...|
| EMAIL|0.17805588245391846| hopehaven| 143|152|[{hopedutton@hope...|
| HOSP| 0.505658745765686| INVOICE| 157|164|[{INVOICE, 0.9661...|
Visualize NER results:
result.visualize_ner(labels_list=["DATE", "LOC"])
Original image with NER results:
Bbox level | Support GPU | Separate model for text detection | Processing time 1 page (CPU/GPU) secs | Support Handwritten Text | |
Tesseract OCR | character | no | no | 0.2/no | not good |
Tesseract OCR CLI | character | no | no | 0.2/no | not good |
Easy OCR | word | yes | yes | ||
Surya OCR | line | yes | yes | ||
DocTR | word | yes | yes |
This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or connected to the Apache Software Foundation or Apache Spark.