It does not look like an IRC client :-)
- make (makedepends)
- gcc (makedepends)
- pkg-config (makedepends)
- gettext (makedepends)
- imagemagick (makedepends)
- gtk >= 3.16
- python >= 3.2
- libcurl
- libircclient >= 1.8
- libnotify
mkdir build
./configure --prefix=$PWD/build --enable-debug
make run
yaourt -S srain-git # git version
yaourt -S srain # latest release
# Add archlinuxcn mirror, then
pacman -S archlinuxcn/srain-git
# Intall the above dependencies, then
mkdir build
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-debug
make DESTDIR=/ install
- Beautiful User Interface
- Relay bot message transform
- Preview image from URL
- Get avatar according to user's real name (plugin)
- Auto upload image to pastebin (plugin)
As you see, its theme is inspired by Telegram Desktop.