This is a CLI application capable of storing all the RSS feeds you want from the internet.
The collected Post is stored in PostgreSQL database allowing you to follow and unfollow the feeds added by other users
You can also see the summary of the aggregated posts in the terminal, with a link to the full post
You will need to download and install the GO programming language, Postgres Database manangement system and Git Version control from the link given below:-
After you have downloaded the everything you need you need to download from the Requirements Section. You just need to follow the Steps Given Below.
Clone the repository in your local machine by the navigating to the desired directory and typing the following command in the terminal.
git clone
cd GOGator
To install it throught your system you need to run the following commands
go build
go install
The last thing you need to is setup your database. Type the following commands in the terminal one by one.
sudo -u postgres psql
\c gator
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';
After these to steps GOGator will be installed in your local machine.
Before you can use it. You also need to Setup the gatorconfig.json file. Just Copy the text below in the gatorconfig.json file and make the appropriate changes
To Register a user
GOGator register [name]
To Login as any other existing users
GOGator login [Registered User]
To Get All the users
GOGator users
To Add a RSS Feed
GOGator addfeed [feedname] [feedURL]
To follow feed added by another user
GOGator follow [feedurl]
To List ALL the available/added feeds
GOGator feeds
To Get the feeds followed by the current user
GOGator following
To Unfollow a particular feed
GOGator unfollow [url]
To Get All the post from all the feeds(should be left running continously)
GOGator agg [time_between_req(s/min/hrs)]
To Browse the posts from the aggregated feeds
GOGator browse
To Reset Your Database
GOGator reset