What's Changed
- BED-4776: Add .github/CODEOWNERS by @elikmiller in #86
- Revert "BED-4776: Add .github/CODEOWNERS" by @irshadaj in #87
- BI-1102: Retag and push image to private ECR registry by @hairlesshobo in #98
- Update build.yml by @ddlees in #100
- bi-1102: Push edge image with sha suffix by @hairlesshobo in #101
- Pass github token as password into Github Container Registry by @definitelynotagoblin in #103
- ci: use package scoped PAT for image publishing by @ddlees in #95
- ci: use correct publish secret by @ddlees in #104
- ci: use correct token by @ddlees in #105
- ci: fix login and publish tokens by @ddlees in #106
- Testing git pull v3 => v6 by @definitelynotagoblin in #107
- Secret login user by @definitelynotagoblin in #108
- ci: fix ci for forks by @ddlees in #109
- Add example on how to reuse existing Azure CLI authentication by @christophetd in #102
- Workflow testing by @computator in #113
- Feature managed identity auth by @daviditkin in #94
New Contributors
- @hairlesshobo made their first contribution in #98
- @definitelynotagoblin made their first contribution in #103
- @christophetd made their first contribution in #102
- @daviditkin made their first contribution in #94
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.3.0