Evolution is program, that was created for "Junior Tech University" project to show possibilities of genetic programming.
Junior Tech University is project of czech college ČVUT
In Evolution is virtual environment, which is randomly generated (e.g. island). This virutal environment has its own sees, beaches, plains and mountains. Inside this virtual environment are species (e.g. fox or rabbit). Animals of each species can breed inside each species. As animals breed, they improve their behaviour on their own!
All animals try to gather as much food as possible, but they have limited lifespan. Because of this, animals improve themselfs as they breed, so they can adapt and improve on their own, without any additional force from outside.
All animals have decision tree. The decision tree is totally random at beggining, so in first generation, animals act totally random. At the end of first generation, animals are sorted by the total count of food they were able to gather. Then, they breed. All animals can take part in breeding proccess, but those with higher count of food have higher chance to breed. So the best trees mix together. In few generations, animals generate perfect decision tree.
I was even able to do this thing: I had two species in one map. And one species learned to hunt the other species! So I had two species, where the first one was hunting the second one, which was just trying to avoid the first species and collect as many food as possible.
Feel free to download most recent release and try it yourself!