Install tpu-perf to build and run model cases.
# Time only cases
python3 -m --list default_cases.txt --time
python3 -m --list default_cases.txt
# Precision benchmark
python3 -m --list default_cases.txt
python3 -m tpu_perf.precision_benchmark --list default_cases.txt
On default, cloning this repository will not download any models. Install
Git LFS with pip install git-lfs
To download a specific model:
git lfs pull --include="[path to model].onnx" --exclude=""
To download all models:
git lfs pull --include="*" --exclude=""
You can see visualizations of each model's network architecture by using Netron.
Please lint in your local repo before PR.
# Install tools
sudo npm install -g markdownlint-cli
pip3 install yamllint
yamllint -c ./.yaml-lint.yml .
markdownlint '**/*.md'
python3 .github/workflows/