Fun with numbers is a C# project build for school project. This is a Console App which can find the featuers of a whole numbers, plot a graph and save the stats and print it to a file.
Fun With Numbers is a recreation of the original Fun with numbers build by Nicholas Dingle who is the original owner of the application. "Fun With Numbers But Better" is a recreation of the original Fun with numbers but with all the bugs and errors fixed and also also add some new featuers.
- Either download or fork the app and open up the folder.
- Open the "Fun with numbers but better/bin/Debug/net6.0".
- Run the "program.exe" file.
Checks different featuers of a whole Number.
- If its positive or not.
- Even or Odd.
- Factors of the whole number.
- If it's a prime number or not.
Plots a graph using the x-axis and y-axis on to a graph printed on the screen.
Has stats option.
- The stats of the app is saved
- The stats will be saved to a stats.txt file.
- The stats can be emailed to ur email id if you want.
Has More Options which are:
- The screen prints random numbers on to the screen to look like the matrix.
- Opens music from the file and plays it.