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API Reference

yacoubii edited this page Feb 11, 2025 · 1 revision
Name Description type Default Options
animateFrameDashedLine Enable or disable frame line animation Boolean False -
bicolorDisplay Switch between a gradient made of 3 colors or 2 colors Boolean False -
cameraOptions Select camera view options String[] ["Fit"] "Fit", "Top", "Flat"
colorsBehavior Change the rendering color behavior of layers String "dynamic" "static", "dynamic", "ranges"
colorsDynamicDepth Change the numbers of steps before achieving a color Number 100 -
data The data we analyze Json Default json data -
displayAllMetricsLabels Display or not all metric labels Boolean False -
displayFrames Display or not the frames Boolean True -
displayFramesBackground Display or not the frames background Boolean False -
displayFramesLine Display or not the frames Line Boolean True -
displayGrid Display or not the grid of the plan Boolean True -
displayLabelLine Display or not the labels lines to frame Boolean True -
displayLayers Display or not the layers of palindrome Boolean True -
displayLayersLabels Display or not the layers labels Boolean True -
displayLayersLines Display or not layer lines Boolean False -
displayMetricSpheres Display or not metric spheres Boolean True -
displayMetricsLabels Display or not the metric labels Boolean True -
displayMetricsLabelsUnit Display or not the units of metric labels Boolean True -
displayModes Change sides display mode String "dynamic" "static", "dynamic", "debug"
displaySides Display or not the sides of palindrome Boolean True -
displayValuesOnSphereHover Display or not min, med, high values on spheres hover Boolean False -
dynamicColorShades Change the behavior of colors to be static or dynamic Boolean True -
equalizeFrameLinks Equalize or not the frame links Boolean False -
frameBackgroundColor Change the frame background color String #FFFFFF -
frameDashLineSize Change the frame dash line size Number 3 -
frameLineColor Change the frame line color String #000000 -
frameLineWidth Change the frame line width Number 0.5 -
frameOpacity Change the frame opacity Number 0.5 -
framePadding Change the frame padding Number 2 -
frameShape Change the frames style String "Rectangle" "Rectangle", "Dynamic"
gridSize Resize the grid Number 100 -
gridDivisions Define the divisions of the grid Number 100 -
labelToFrameLinkLength Change the label to frame link length Number 40 -
labelToFrameLinkType Change the label to frame link type String "dynamic" "dynamic", "static"
layerBehavior Change the rendering color behavior of layers String ranges "static", "dynamicShades", "ranges"
layerDisplayMode Change layers display mode String "dynamic" "static", "dynamic", "mixed"
layerMetricsUnits Change the representation of the layers String "absolute" "absolute", "percent", "normalized"
layerMidColor Change the layer mid color String #DFDF0B -
layerStatusControl Resize the metrics Boolean True -
layersLabelsBackground Change the background color of layers labels String #FFFFFF -
layersLabelsBold Enable or disable layer labels boldness Boolean True -
layersLabelsCharacterFont Change the characters of layers label String Arial "Arial", "Serif", "Sans-serif"
layersLabelsColor Change the color of layers label String #000000 -
layersLabelsItalic Italicize or not the layer labels Boolean False -
layersLabelsOrientation Change the orientation of layers label String Sticky "Sticky", "Free"
layersLabelsRenderingMode Change the rendering style of layers labels String "3D" "2D", "3D"
layersLabelsSize Change the size of layers labels String "Medium" "Small", "Medium", "Large"
layersLabelsRenderingMode Change the rendering mode of labels String "3D" "2D", "3D"
liveData Enable or disable live monitoring Boolean False -
mainStaticColor Change the main app color String #F3C60A -
mergedMetricsNames Merge or not metric names when flat camera Boolean False -
metricMagnifier Resize the metrics Number 10 -
metricsLabelsBackground Change the background color of metrics labels String #F0F0F0 -
metricsLabelsBold Bold or not the labels Boolean True -
metricsLabelsCharacterFont Change the characters of the labels String "Arial" "Arial", "Serif", "Sans-serif"
metricsLabelsColor Change the color of the labels String #000000 -
metricsLabelsItalic Italicize or not the labels Boolean False -
metricsLabelsSize Change the size of the labels String "Medium" "Small", "Medium", "Large"
metricsLabels3DRenderingMode Change the metrics labels 3D rendering style String "Canvas" "Canvas", "Svg"
metricsLabelsRenderingFormat Change the metrics labels rendering format String "Text" "Text", "Table", "Json"
metricsLabelsRenderingMode Change the rendering mode of labels String "3D" "2D", "3D"
metricsLabelsStructure Select the structure of the label to display String[] ["Name","Type","Value","Unit"] "Name","Type","Value","Unit"
mockupData Make dynamic the data Boolean True -
negativeValuesMagnifier Magnify distance between negative and positive values Number 2 -
palindromeSize Resize the palindrome Number 3 -
remoteDataFetchPace Choose monitoring pace in ms Number 1000 -
resourcesLevel Amount of CPU web workers can use Range 50% -
rotatedMetricsAngle Specify the rotation angle for the layer in degrees when flat camera Boolean 0 -
sideLabelDisplay Display layers labels on the side Boolean False -
spheresColorsBehavior Changes the color behavior of the spheres String "Dynamic" "static", "dynamic", "ranges"
sphereColorHigh Change high status color of spheres String #ff0000 -
sphereColorLow Change low status color of spheres String #319b31 -
sphereColorMed Change medium status color of spheres String #f3c60a -
statusColorHigh Change high status color String #ff0000 -
statusColorLow Change low status color String #319b31 -
statusColorMed Change med status color String #f3c60a -
statusRangeHigh Resize high status range Number 66 -
statusRangeLow Resize low status range Number 0 -
statusRangeMed Resize med status range Number 33 -
subAppColor Change the sub app color String #9FC5E8 -
transparentDisplay Enable or disable max-to-transparent display Boolean False -
transparencyHigh Resize the high transparency range Range From 0 to 1. Step of 0.1. 1
transparencyMed Resize the med transparency range Range From 0 to 1. Step of 0.1. 0.5
transparencyLow Resize the low transparency range Range From 0 to 1. Step of 0.1. 0
webWorkersHTTP Enable or disable http web workers Boolean False -
webWorkersRendering Enable or disable web workers enhancement Boolean False -
zPlaneInitial Resize the initial zPlane Number 0 -
zPlaneMultilayer Resize the multilayer zPlane Number 20 -
zPlaneHeight Resize the height zPlane Number 40 -
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