This here is our team's first 24-hour hackathon project developed for START Hack Munich 2023, the Ammer Case.
We tried to design an app that could provide access to blockchain to the users from areas with bad wifi coverage. Instead of directly checking with the server for payment validation, the buyer's phone uses SMS or NFC to send necessary transaction data to the seller's phone. The app of the seller then checks if the money can be transferred and lets the buyer's phone know if the operation went well. In simple terms, the app shifts some data traffic from the internet to the telecommunication network, making transactions cheaper and more reliable.
Since this was our first hackathon experience, we couldn't finish everything by the deadline. So, some parts of the project are not fully connected, and you'll only see the basic functions needed for the app implemented for now only for android. Nevertheless, we would be happy to continue developing the project if there is interest to it.
P.S. For more detailed technical information on how the app was intended to function, please refer to the documentation.txt file.
Our contacts:
Maksym, [email protected],
Mykhailo, [email protected],
Oleksandr, [email protected]