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Alexander Linkov edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 5 revisions

Below are typical causes that prevent you from adding JIRA items with the plugin:

  • You misspelled the JIRA server URL, username or password in the plugin settings.

    Important: Pay attention to the following --

    • To the protocol in the JIRA server URL setting. JIRA SaaS uses the https:// protocol, not http://. Specifying a wrong protocol will cause a 301 error when creating JIRA items.

    • To the Username setting:

      If you use JIRA Cloud, you should specify the email you use to log in to JIRA here, not the JIRA username. Specifying a wrong email will not allow the plugin to connect to your JIRA instance and load information about projects and item types.

      If you use JIRA Server, you should specify your JIRA username here, not the email that you use to log in to JIRA in a web browser. You can check your username in your profile settings in JIRA. Specifying a wrong username will not allow the plugin to connect to your JIRA instance and load information about projects and item types.

  • You do not have permissions to create items of the selected item type in the selected JIRA project. Ask your JIRA administrator for permissions.

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