JavaScript OOP library created to help designing behaviorial and meta based code. The idea is to resonate much more in pure object and avoid any explicit assertion. Also one of the big point is to prefer conversion over strict type (ADT).
One of the long-term goals is to find a model to work with the autognosis rule.
An autognostic object can only have detailed knowledge of itself.
- Node.js v12 or higher
This package is available in the Node Package Repository and can be easily installed with npm or yarn.
$ npm i @slimio/oop
# or
$ yarn add @slimio/oop
import { toIterable } from "@slimio/oop";
function doTheWork(anyValue) {
const iter = toIterable(anyValue);
for (const item of iter) {
doTheWork(new Set([1, 2, 3]));
doTheWork(["foo", "bar"]);
declare namespace oop {
export function toNumber(value: bigint): bigint;
export function toNumber(value: any): number;
export function toString(value: any): string;
export function toSymString(value: symbol): symbol;
export function toSymString(value: any): string;
export function toBigInt(value: any): bigint;
export function toIterable(value: Iterable<any>): Iterable<any>
export function toIterable(value: Array<any> | ArrayLike<any>): Array<any>;
export function toPlainObject(value: Iterable<any> | null | undefined | object, handleNullAndUndefined?: boolean): object;
export function toNullableString(value: any): string;
export function toNullableString(value: null | undefined): null;
export function toNullableNumber(value: bigint): bigint;
export function toNullableNumber(value: null | undefined): null;
export function toNullableNumber(value: any): number;
export function toNullableBoolean(value: any): boolean;
export function toNullableBoolean(value: null | undefined): null;
export namespace utils {
export function toNullable(predicate: (value: any) => any): Function;
export = oop;
export as namespace oop;
This project have no dependencies.