V4.1 Collection and Import Tools
6 commits
to weapons-and-faces
since this release
Releasing the July 1 version 4.1 of the tool on this page in preperation for the v5 release. Including all the information from the previous version changelog as well
Version 4.1 (July 1, 2022)
- Improved the collect script to now try and identify the correct objects and corresponding draw calls without needing to be explicitely told
- Fixed a bug for models with a stride of 92 but no extra component
Version 4 (June 30, 2022)
- Added a method of using the original model tangents when exporting to partially fix outline issues. I was unable to figure out how genshin calculate the tangents, but if the new model is similar enough to the old one we can just re-use the tangents and the result looks much closer to the original. Can use either by adding the flag --original_tangents on the generate.py or by clicking the "Use original tangents" button when exporting in the genshin plugin
- Added a script that lets you forcibly set the vertex COLOR values to specific values. This helps fix the black outline issue that some models can end up. Use with python genshin_set_color.py -n CharTexcoord.buf --stride X -r R -g G -b B -a A where X is the stride for the texcoord (found in the .ini, probably either 12 or 20) and RGBA are the values you want to set (values between 0 and 255, do not need to specify all values - if only one value is specified, sets that one only and leaves the rest the same. Most of the time you will want to only modify the A value and set it lower/to 0 to fix border issues). This will generate a new file called CharTexcoordModified.buf which you can rename to replace the original (or change the name in the .ini)
- Added support for four object characters (e.g. Rosaria, Xiao, Yelan) to the collect and plugin/generate scripts, and added them to the characterdata folder. The second object is just named Extra2 on those models, but behaves the same way as the regular Extra
- Updated the 3dmigoto .dll to raise the limit on the buffers even more since some people were reporting models were still hitting it. Also raised the limit for the four object characters
- QoL features for the blender plugin (transfer custom properties, fill in missing vertex groups)
- Weapon and face support
- Disabling transparency filter for characters
Version 3 (June 24, 2022)
- Updated and organized github pages and guides
- Split 3dmigoto plugin into development and release versions depending on use case
- Updated scripts for increased compatability with some models
Version 2 (June 22, 2022)
- Raised vertex limit to 64k for all characters
- Finished dumping all character data to the folder with a few exceptions
- Fixed support for characters with three components
- Fixed texture bleed issue between components
- Added one-click export to the blender plugin
- Outlines are broken on models after import
- Characters with four components not supported
- Some shading issues
Version 1 Initial Release (June 18, 2022)
- Functional model exporter/importer using 3dmigoto for genshin impact
- Able to remove and modify mesh data, including vertices, edges and textures
- Added guides on how to use the program and modify data
- Limited characters currently supported
- Restricted to the original number of edges and vertices
- Textures can bleed between different components (e.g. head/body)
- Third component on some characters unsupported