MiniSdf test renderer.
Start the renderer with cargo run --bin msdf-renderer
The renderer uses sdf.minisdf
as the injected SDF code. If no such file exists, one is created.
The renderer watches the file and recompiles it if necessary. So feel free to live-edit. Only valid code is sent to the GPU.
Unary Operations:
repeat(x: float, y: float, z: float) => repeats the SDF domain in the given box-bound infinitely
repeat_in(domain_size: vec3, spacing: float) => repeats domains of cubic size `spacing` in the domain `domain_size`
translate(translation: vec3) => translates the inner tree
smooth(radius: float) => smooths the inner SDF with the given radius
Binary Operations
union / smooth_union => combines two SDFs
inter / smooth_inter => builds the intersection of both SDFs
sub / smooth_sub => Removes the second sdf from the first
Plane(normal: vec3, height: f32) => creates a plane with the given normal moved up/down by `height`
Torus(r0: float, r1: float) => A torus defined the ring-radius r0 and the ring's circumflex of r1
Box(half_extent: vec3) => a box defined by its half_extent
Sphere(radius: float) => sphere defined by its radius
field myfield(offset: vec3){
repeat(3.0, 10.0, 4.0){
box(vec3(1.0, 2.0, 1.0))
repeat(0.75, 0.75, 0.75){
This code creates this SDF. Note that the sphere's translation is controlled by the field's offset parameter. This lets us control the sphere as described in Controls without having to recompile the field.
: TranslationQ/E
: Vertical translation- Mouse: Camera rotation
Offset Parameter:
: TranslationO/U
: Vertical translation
You are welcome to contribute. All contributions are licensed under the MPL v2.0.
Note that the project is currently in its early stages. Actual contribution might be difficult.
The whole project is licensed under MPL v2.0, all contributions will be licensed the same. Have a look at Mozilla's FAQ to see if this fits your use-case.