Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more.:
- This code is consistent with 2.2.2 version of Bootstrap
This plugin adds the Bootstrap to Compass.
Create your _preboot.sccs and you will see the entire list of colors, you can change those in order to apply your own color scheme
// ---------
// / Links
$linkColor: #0069d6;
$linkColorHover: darken($linkColor, 10);
// Grays
$black: #000;
$grayDark: lighten($black, 25%);
$gray: lighten($black, 50%);
$grayLight: lighten($black, 75%);
$grayLighter: lighten($black, 90%);
$white: #fff;
// Accent Colors
$blue: #049CDB;
$blueDark: #0064CD;
$green: #46a546;
$red: #9d261d;
$yellow: #ffc40d;
$orange: #f89406;
$pink: #c3325f;
$purple: #7a43b6;
// Baseline grid
$baseFontSize: 13px;
$baseLineHeight: 18px;
// Griditude
$gridColumns: 16;
$gridColumnWidth: 40px;
$gridGutterWidth: 20px;
$extraSpace: ($gridGutterWidth * 2); // For our grid calculations
$siteWidth: ($gridColumns * $gridColumnWidth) + ($gridGutterWidth * ($gridColumns - 1));
All modules are mixin separated, including individula files will not output any CSS code. In order to include components in your main scss file, import
@import "modules/modules";
Then you can include all modules on by one. Here is an example of module inclusion. Please keep in mind that the order matters
// CSS Reset
@include reset();
// Grid system and page structure
@include scaffolding();
@include gridSystem(responsive);
@include layouts(responsive);
// Base CSS
@include typography(true, true, true);
@include codes();
@include forms();
@include tables();
// Components: common
@include iconography();
@include dropdowns();
@include wells();
@include component-anims();
@include close();
// Components: Buttons & Alerts
@include buttons();
@include bootstrap-alternate-buttons();
* Declare own button names
@include alternate-buttons(primary, $primaryButtonBackground, adjust-hue($primaryButtonBackground, 20));
@include alternate-buttons(secondary, lighten($orange, 15%), $orange);
@include button-groups();
@include alerts();
// Components: Nav
@include navigation();
@include navigationbar();
@include breadcrumbs();
@include pagination();
@include pager();
// Components: Popovers
@include modals();
@include tooltips();
@include popovers();
// Components: Misc
@include thumbnails();
@include labels();
@include progress-bars();
@include accordions();
@include carousels();
@include hero-units();
// Utility classes
@include utility-classes();
/*Different breakpoints can be generated.
* These mixins mimic twitter bootstrap functionality*/
// ------------------
@include responsive-utilities();
// ------------------
// Large desktops
@include responsive1200-max();
// Tablets to regular desktops
@include responsive768-979();.
// Phones to portrait tablets and narrow desktops
@include responsive();
// ------------------
// From 979px and below, show a button to toggle navbar contents
@include responsive-navbar();
There are mixins provided to extend the semantics of bootstrap.
You can declare your own button names with the following mixin:
alternate-buttons($name, $primaryBgr, $alternateBgr, $textColor, $activeColor)
All bootstrap buttons are declared via the same mixin. Here is how it is done:
@include alternate-buttons(danger, #ee5f5b, #bd362f);
@include alternate-buttons(success, #62c462, #51a351);
@include alternate-buttons(info, #5bc0de, #2f96b4);
You can declare your own progress bars with the following mixin:
colored-progress-bars($name, $color1, $color2)
$color1 and $color2 are linear gradient components
@include colored-progress-bars(danger, #ee5f5b, #c43c35);
@include colored-progress-bars(success, #62c462, #57a957);
@include colored-progress-bars(info, #5bc0de, #339bb9);