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ShusenTang committed Oct 22, 2019
1 parent 0ce9709 commit d2f37f8
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/
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本项目将[《动手学深度学习》]( 原书中MXNet代码实现改为PyTorch实现。原书作者:阿斯顿·张、李沐、扎卡里 C. 立顿、亚历山大 J. 斯莫拉以及其他社区贡献者,GitHub地址:
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88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions docs/
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
* [简介]()
* [阅读指南](
* [1. 深度学习简介](chapter01_DL-intro/
* 2\. 预备知识
* [2.1 环境配置](chapter02_prerequisite/
* [2.2 数据操作](chapter02_prerequisite/
* [2.3 自动求梯度](chapter02_prerequisite/
* 3\. 深度学习基础
* [3.1 线性回归](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.2 线性回归的从零开始实现](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.3 线性回归的简洁实现](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.4 softmax回归](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.5 图像分类数据集(Fashion-MNIST)](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.6 softmax回归的从零开始实现](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.7 softmax回归的简洁实现](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.8 多层感知机](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.9 多层感知机的从零开始实现](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.10 多层感知机的简洁实现](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.11 模型选择、欠拟合和过拟合](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.12 权重衰减](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.13 丢弃法](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.14 正向传播、反向传播和计算图](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.15 数值稳定性和模型初始化](chapter03_DL-basics/
* [3.16 实战Kaggle比赛:房价预测](chapter03_DL-basics/
* 4\. 深度学习计算
* [4.1 模型构造](chapter04_DL_computation/
* [4.2 模型参数的访问、初始化和共享](chapter04_DL_computation/
* [4.3 模型参数的延后初始化](chapter04_DL_computation/
* [4.4 自定义层](chapter04_DL_computation/
* [4.5 读取和存储](chapter04_DL_computation/
* [4.6 GPU计算](chapter04_DL_computation/
* 5\. 卷积神经网络
* [5.1 二维卷积层](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.2 填充和步幅](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.3 多输入通道和多输出通道](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.4 池化层](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.5 卷积神经网络(LeNet)](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.6 深度卷积神经网络(AlexNet)](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.7 使用重复元素的网络(VGG)](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.8 网络中的网络(NiN)](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.9 含并行连结的网络(GoogLeNet)](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.10 批量归一化](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.11 残差网络(ResNet)](chapter05_CNN/
* [5.12 稠密连接网络(DenseNet)](chapter05_CNN/
* 6\. 循环神经网络
* [6.1 语言模型](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.2 循环神经网络](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.3 语言模型数据集(周杰伦专辑歌词)](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.4 循环神经网络的从零开始实现](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.5 循环神经网络的简洁实现](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.6 通过时间反向传播](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.7 门控循环单元(GRU)](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.8 长短期记忆(LSTM)](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.9 深度循环神经网络](chapter06_RNN/
* [6.10 双向循环神经网络](chapter06_RNN/
* 7\. 优化算法
* [7.1 优化与深度学习](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.2 梯度下降和随机梯度下降](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.3 小批量随机梯度下降](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.4 动量法](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.5 AdaGrad算法](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.6 RMSProp算法](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.7 AdaDelta算法](chapter07_optimization/
* [7.8 Adam算法](chapter07_optimization/
* 8\. 计算性能
* [8.1 命令式和符号式混合编程](chapter08_computational-performance/
* [8.2 异步计算](chapter08_computational-performance/
* [8.3 自动并行计算](chapter08_computational-performance/
* [8.4 多GPU计算](chapter08_computational-performance/
* 9\. 计算机视觉
* [9.1 图像增广](chapter09_computer-vision/
* [9.2 微调](chapter09_computer-vision/
* [9.3 目标检测和边界框](chapter09_computer-vision/
* [9.4 锚框](chapter09_computer-vision/
* 待更新...
* 10\. 自然语言处理
* [10.1 词嵌入(word2vec)](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.2 近似训练](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.3 word2vec的实现](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.4 子词嵌入(fastText)](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.5 全局向量的词嵌入(GloVe)](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.6 求近义词和类比词](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.7 文本情感分类:使用循环神经网络](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.8 文本情感分类:使用卷积神经网络(textCNN)](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.9 编码器—解码器(seq2seq)](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.10 束搜索](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.11 注意力机制](chapter10_natural-language-processing/
* [10.12 机器翻译](chapter10_natural-language-processing/

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