The final project is to build a small cloud platform, somewhat similar to Google Apps, but obviously with fewer features. The cloud platform will have a webmail service, analogous to Gmail, as well as a storage service, analogous to Google Drive.
- Distributed key-value storage
- Front-end server supporting POST requests, HEAD requests and cookie handling.
- User accounts management
- Webmail service(DNS, SMTP)
- Storage service(Fold Management)
- Admin Console
Setup Instruction:
In order to successfully run the program, protocol buffer 3.5.0 needs to be installed (and it needs to be 3.5.0), grpc needs to be installed as well, and you need to build from source. For detailed instructions, please check .
To compile the program, Go to penn-cloud/storage-system/server, type command “make” Go to penn-cloud/storage-system/client, type command “make” Go to penn-cloud/Servant, type command “make”
To run the program, Always execute “sudo ./” first Then “sudo ./”
To restart a failed node, Go to penn-cloud/storage-system/server, type command “./slave [master address] [slave address] [replication address]" (e.g. ./slave )