ArchDracula By:
- Jeremie Cote
- @jeremie1001
Based on terminal color theme Dracula and inpired by Icons modified from flaticons repository
Disclaimer, some of the aspects of this rice arent completely functional at this time as this is still a work in progress so please be please be patient. Components still be worked on can be found in the TODO.txt file.
- OS: Btw... Arch
- WM: AwesomeWM (duh)
- More specifically, it uses awesome-git since it includes some features not included in mainline awesome such as as the colored and rounded progress bars in the control center
- Shell: zsh with powerlevel10k
- Terminal: Kitty
- Editor: VSCodium
- File Manager: Nemo
- Launcher: Rofi in the style of dmenu
- Browser: Firefox
- Color Scheme: Dracula (hex codes)
- GTK Theme: Ant Dracula
- Wallpaper: Arch Kraken
- i3lock-fancy (exit_screen module)
- picom (compositor)
- rofi (launchers)
- pamixer (volume controls)
- nordvpn-bin (vpn widgets)
- lm_sensors (temperature dial in control center)
- feh (background)
- light (brightness)
- flameshot (screenshot)
Hotkey dependencies
- firefox
- rofi
- nemo
- kitty
- VSCodium