npm_and_yarn in /. for @babel/traverse, @sideway/formula, axios, cross-fetch, d3-color, decode-uri-component, ejs, follow-redirects, follow-redirects, graphql, ip, ip, json5, json5, lodash.template, minimatch, moment, node-fetch, node-fetch, parse-path, parse-url, parse-url, parse-url, parse-url, parse-url, parse-url, react-devtools-core, react-native-reanimated, semver, semver, semver, shell-quote, tar, terser, tough-cookie, word-wrap, ws - Update #836894336 #16
1 error
Dependabot was unable to retrieve job credentials
Error: fetching credentials: unexpected status code: 422: {"errors":[{"status":422,"title":"Secret Not Found","detail":"DEPENDENCIES_GITHUB_USER"}]}
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The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.