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A repository for a CEA plugin that calculates crop yields (kg), environmental impacts including GHG Emissions (kg CO2-eq), energy (kWh) and water use (litre), costs including capital and oeprational expenditures (USD) for the selected crop type on the selected building envelope surface.

To install, clone this repo to a desired path (you would need to have git installed to run this command. Alternatively, you can also run this command in the CEA console, which comes with git pre-installed):

git clone DESIRED_PATH

Open CEA console and enter the following command to install the plugin to CEA:

pip install -e /Users/your_name/Documents/GitHub/cea-plugin-bia In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the Calc-Dli plugin in CEA:

cea-config write --general:plugins bia.calc_dli.CalcDliPlugin

In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the BIA-assessment plugin in CEA:

cea-config write --general:plugins bia.bia_assessment.BiaAssessmentPlugin

In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the BIA-profiler plugin in CEA:

cea-config write --general:plugins bia.bia_profiler.BiaProfilerPlugin

In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the BIA-plotter plugin in CEA:

cea-config write --general:plugins bia.bia_plotter.BiaPlotterPlugin

(Following the steps and ignore warnings, if any.)

Now you should be able to enter the following command to run the plugin:

cea calc-dli cea bia-assessment cea bia-profiler cea bia-plotter