A networking app aims to encourage social interaction between individuals in a city through offers of skills, hobbies and interests. You get to paint a picutre of someone from what they are willing to share!
Client: NextJS (React), Chakra UI, Cloudinary
Server: KeystoneJS
Database: Mongo DB
API: GraphQL
- Display of offers in aggregation view and users view
- FB Authentication and User Login (WIP)
- CORS BUG! (taking a few min to load FE)
- Messaging
- Offer creation and update
To deploy this project, please clone the repo and
- Navigate to
npm run dev
The app will start running in http://localhost:7777/
- Navigate to
npm run dev
Note: Moving to Digital Ocean!
git push
triggers the deployment to Vercel
Make sure you are in the current root directory and run
git subtree push --prefix backend/ heroku main