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这个代码仓库使用 Keras 框架实现了多种用于文本分类深度学习模型,其中包含的模型有:FastText, TextCNN, TextRNN, TextBiRNN, TextAttBiRNN, HAN, RCNN, RCNNVariant 等等。除了模型实现,还附带了简化的应用程序。


  1. 环境
  2. 使用说明
  3. 模型
    1. FastText
    2. TextCNN
    3. TextRNN
    4. TextBiRNN
    5. TextAttBiRNN
    6. HAN
    7. RCNN
    8. RCNNVariant
    9. 未完待续……
  4. 引用


  • Python 3.7
  • NumPy 1.17.2
  • Tensorflow 2.0.1


代码部分都位于目录 /model 下,每种模型有相应的目录,该目录下放置了模型代码和应用代码。

例如:FastText 的模型代码和应用代码都位于 /model/FastText 下,模型部分是,应用部分是


1 FastText

FastText 在论文 Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification 中被提出。

1.1 论文的描述

  1. Using a look-up table, bags of ngram covert to word representations.
  2. Word representations are averaged into a text representation, which is a hidden variable.
  3. Text representation is in turn fed to a linear classifier.
  4. Use the softmax function to compute the probability distribution over the predefined classes.

1.2 此处的实现

FastText 的网络结构:

2 TextCNN

TextCNN 在论文 Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification 中被提出。

2.1 论文的描述

  1. Represent sentence with static and non-static channels.
  2. Convolve with multiple filter widths and feature maps.
  3. Use max-over-time pooling.
  4. Use fully connected layer with dropout and softmax ouput.

2.2 此处的实现

TextCNN 的网络结构:

3 TextRNN

TextRNN 在论文 Recurrent Neural Network for Text Classification with Multi-Task Learning 中有被提到,但并不是这篇论文提出的。

3.1 论文的描述

3.2 此处的实现

TextRNN 的网络结构:

4 TextBiRNN

TextBiRNN 是基于 TextRNN 的改进版本,将网络结构中的 RNN 层改进成了双向(Bidirectional)的 RNN 层,希望不仅能考虑正向编码的信息,也能考虑反向编码的信息。暂时没有找到相关的论文。

TextBiRNN 的网络结构:

5 TextAttBiRNN

TextAttBiRNN 是基于 TextBiRNN 的改进版本,引入了注意力机制(Attention)。对于双向 RNN 编码得到的表征向量,模型能够通过注意力机制,关注与决策最相关的信息。其中注意力机制最先在论文 Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate 中被提出,而此处对于注意力机制的实现参照了论文 Feed-Forward Networks with Attention Can Solve Some Long-Term Memory Problems

5.1 论文的描述

In the paper Feed-Forward Networks with Attention Can Solve Some Long-Term Memory Problems, the feed forward attention is simplified as follows,

Function a, a learnable function, is recognized as a feed forward network. In this formulation, attention can be seen as producing a fixed-length embedding c of the input sequence by computing an adaptive weighted average of the state sequence h.

5.2 此处的实现

Attention 的实现不做介绍,请直接查阅源代码。

TextAttBiRNN 的网络结构:


HAN 在论文 Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification 中被提出。

6.1 论文的描述

  1. Word Encoder. Encoding by bidirectional GRU, an annotation for a given word is obtained by concatenating the forward hidden state and backward hidden state, which summarizes the information of the whole sentence centered around word in current time step.
  2. Word Attention. By a one-layer MLP and softmax function, it is enable to calculate normalized importance weights over the previous word annotations. Then, compute the sentence vector as a weighted sum of the word annotations based on the weights.
  3. Sentence Encoder. In a similar way with word encoder, use a bidirectional GRU to encode the sentences to get an annotation for a sentence.
  4. Sentence Attention. Similar with word attention, use a one-layer MLP and softmax function to get the weights over sentence annotations. Then, calculate a weighted sum of the sentence annotations based on the weights to get the document vector.
  5. Document Classification. Use the softmax function to calculate the probability of all classes.

6.2 此处的实现

此处的 Attention 的实现使用了 FeedForwardAttention 的实现方式,与 TextAttBiRNN 中的 Attention 相同。

HAN 的网络结构:

此处使用了 TimeDistributed 包装器,希望 Embedding、Bidirectional RNN 和 Attention 层的参数能够在时间步维度上共享。


RCNN 在论文 Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification 中被提出。

7.1 论文的描述

  1. Word Representation Learning. RCNN uses a recurrent structure, which is a bi-directional recurrent neural network, to capture the contexts. Then, combine the word and its context to present the word. And apply a linear transformation together with the tanh activation fucntion to the representation.
  2. Text Representation Learning. When all of the representations of words are calculated, it applys a element-wise max-pooling layer in order to capture the most important information throughout the entire text. Finally, do the linear transformation and apply the softmax function.

7.2 此处的实现

RCNN 的网络结构:

8 RCNNVariant

RCNNVariant 是基于 RCNN 的改进版本,做了以下几点改进。暂时没有找到相关的论文。

  1. 三输入改成了单输入,移除了左右上下文的输入。
  2. 使用双向的 LSTM/GRU 取代传统 RNN 进行编码。
  3. 使用多通道的 CNN 进行语义向量的表征。
  4. 使用 ReLU 激活层取代 Tanh 激活层。
  5. 同时使用 AveragePoolingMaxPooling 进行池化。

RCNNVariant 的网络结构:



  1. Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification
  2. Keras Example IMDB FastText
  3. Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
  4. Keras Example IMDB CNN
  5. Recurrent Neural Network for Text Classification with Multi-Task Learning
  6. Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
  7. Feed-Forward Networks with Attention Can Solve Some Long-Term Memory Problems
  8. cbaziotis's Attention
  9. Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification
  10. Richard's HAN
  11. Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification
  12. airalcorn2's RCNN