A Hotel reviews app built with Ruby on Rails and React.js This app is intended to be a simple example of a CRUD app built with Ruby on Rails and React.js.
This app uses:
- Ruby version: 2.7
- Rails version:
- Database: postgresql
- React version: 17.12.0
- React Hooks API
- React Context API
- Insomnia(same as POSTMAN)
- Tailwind css
- Styled components
This is version 1 which means its stable.
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
root GET / pages#index
api_v1_hotels GET /api/v1/hotels(.:format) api/v1/hotels#index
POST /api/v1/hotels(.:format) api/v1/hotels#create
new_api_v1_hotel GET /api/v1/hotels/new(.:format) api/v1/hotels#new
edit_api_v1_hotel GET /api/v1/hotels/:slug/edit(.:format) api/v1/hotles#edit
api_v1_hotel GET /api/v1/hotels/:slug(.:format) api/v1/hotels#show
PATCH /api/v1/hotels/:slug(.:format) api/v1/hotels#update
PUT /api/v1/hotels/:slug(.:format) api/v1/hotels#update
DELETE /api/v1/hotels/:slug(.:format) api/v1/hotels#destroy
api_v1_reviews POST /api/v1/reviews(.:format) api/v1/reviews#create
api_v1_review DELETE /api/v1/reviews/:id(.:format) api/v1/reviews#destroy
GET /*path(.:format) pages#index