Adds common promotion rules and actions for you to use in Sylius.
$ composer require setono/sylius-promotion-extensions-plugin
Then, enable the plugin by adding it to the list of registered plugins/bundles
in the config/bundles.php
file of your project:
return [
// ...
Setono\SyliusPromotionExtensionsPlugin\SetonoSyliusPromotionExtensionsPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
Will return true if the cart contains n or more products that have the given taxons.
You set a price that all matching products will cost no matter their original price.
This is specially suited for 'x for y' promotions, i.e. '2 for $50'. You set a lot price (i.e. $50) and a lot size (i.e. 2) and then the promotion will distribute the discount among the eligible products in the cart.