Syra is a PHP Object-Relational Mapping library.
You can install it via composer: osyra/syra
You need to create two classes.
namespace App;
class CustomDatabase implements \Syra\DatabaseInterface {
private static
public static function getWriter() {
if(is_null(self::$writer)) {
self::$writer = new \Syra\MySQL\Database('hostname', 'user', 'password');
return self::$writer;
public static function getReader() {
if(is_null(self::$reader)) {
// if you have only one server
self::$reader = self::getWriter();
// if you have a slave for read only you could write this :
// self::$reader = new \Syra\MySQL\Database('ro-hostname', 'ro-user', 'ro-password');
// self::$reader->connect();
return self::$reader;
namespace App;
class CustomRequest extends \Syra\MySQL\Request {
DATABASE_CLASS = '\\App\\CustomDatabase';
protected function buildClassFromTable($table) {
return '\\App\\Model\\'.$table; // this must return the name of the class matched by the table
Then for each table of your database you will add a class.
The table primary key must be id
, it can be an integer or a string.
namespace App\Model;
class Foobar extends \Syra\MySQL\ModelObject {
DATABASE_CLASS = '\\App\\CustomDatabase',
protected static
$properties = [
'id' => ['class' => 'Integer'],
'name' => ['class' => 'String'],
'parent' => ['class' => '\\App\\Model\\Bar']
class Bar extends \Syra\MySQL\ModelObject {
DATABASE_CLASS = '\\App\\CustomDatabase',
protected static
$properties = [
'id' => ['class' => 'Integer'],
'name' => ['class' => 'String'],
'createdAt' => ['class' => 'DateTime']
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
$foobar = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->where('', 'Foobar', 'id', '=', 1)
Condition is the first argument of any where() function. It can start with a closing parenthesis followed by AND or OR and can end with an opening parenthesis.
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->where('', 'Foobar', 'parent', '=', $parentID)
->where('AND (', 'Foobar', 'name', 'LIKE', '%Hello%')
->where('OR', 'Foobar', 'name', 'LIKE', '%World')
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->orderAscBy('Foobar', 'name')
->orderDescBy('Foobar', 'id')
This will get 10 rows from database starting at 10th row.
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
Note: be aware this is a limitation of the number of rows, not the number of objects.
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->leftJoin('Bar')->on('Foobar', 'parent')->withFields('id', 'name', 'createdAt')
$bars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Bar')->withFields('id', 'name', 'createdAt')
->leftJoin('Foobar', 'Foobars')->on('Bar', 'id', 'parent')->withFields('id', 'name')
foreach($bars as $bar) {
foreach($bar->myFoobars as $foobar) {
$bars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Bar')->withFields('id', 'name', 'createdAt')
->leftJoin('Foobar', 'Foobars')->on('Bar', 'id', 'parent')->withFields('id', 'name')->with('', 'name', 'LIKE', '%Hello%')
$reference = new \stdClass;
$reference->table = 'Bar';
$reference->field = 'language';
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foo')->withFields('id', 'language', 'name')
->leftJoin('Bar', 'Bars')->on('Foo', 'id', 'foo')->with('', 'language', '=', $reference)->withFields('id', 'foo', 'language')
$bars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Bar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->leftJoin('Bar')->on('Bar', 'parent')->withFields('id', 'name') # equivalent to ->on('Bar::1', 'parent')
->leftJoin('Bar')->on('Bar::2', 'parent')->withFields('id', 'name')
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
$foobars = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
$arrays = \App\CustomRequest::objectsAsArrays($foobars);
$foobar = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->where('', 'Foobar', 'id', '=', 1)
$array = $foobar->asArray();
$foobar = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->where('', 'Foobar', 'id', '=', 1)
$foobar->name = 'Something';
$foobar = \App\CustomRequest::get('Foobar')->withFields('id', 'name')
->where('', 'Foobar', 'id', '=', 1)