GraphPod is a pure Swift implemented library for image processing based on bitmap data structure. GraphPod can:
- Segment the image based on weighted graph, Kruskal algorithm and disjoint-set data structure.
- GraphPod can detect image objects edges - it is done with Sobel operator applying.
- Graphod can blur the image using direct gauss blurring. You don't need to import UIKit.
- GraphPod allows you to upload any image or use camera's one or choose any from saved in Photo library and get the processed image as a result for further processing in machine learning.
- GraphPod includes different types images converters to/from bitmap you can use in your own app.
It includes copious in-source documentation, unit tests.
iOS 9 and more.
GraphPod is available through CocoaPods. To install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'GraphPod'
and then pod install
After you add GraphPod in project it's very simple to use it:
- First you need to convert the image you'd like to process to bitmap. Bitmap is a simple data structure with every image pixel color data and it's allow us to make algorithm really fast. To safely convert image to bitmap call converter included to GraphPod:
guard let bitmap = processingImage.toBitmapImage() else { return }
- If you need image segmenting just call SegmentingImageAlgorithm.execute and pass the image you'd like to process, threshold and minimal segment size, just like that:
let segmentedResult = SegmentingImageAlgorithm.execute(input: bitmap, threshold: threshold, minSize: minPixelsInSegment)
And then convert segmentedResult bitmap to image or pass it to the next processing. To convert segmented bitmap to image call:
let processedImage = UIImage.fromBitmapImage(bitmapImage: result.0)
processedImage?.cgImage?.copy(colorSpace: processingImage.cgImage!.colorSpace!)
Read more about threshold and minPixelsInSector below.
- If you need to detect edges call EdgeDetectionAlgorithm.execute and pass the bitmap to process:
let edgeDetectedResult = EdgeDetectionAlgorithm.execute(input: bitmap)
And then convert edgesDetectedResult bitmap to image or process it further. To convert edgesDetected call special converter:
let processedImage = UIImage.createFromEdgesDetectedBitmap(bitmapImage: edgeDetectedResult)
- To blur the image call .fastGaussBlur to previously bitmapped input image and set radius:
let blurredResult = bitmap.fastGaussBlur(radius: 3)
And then convert blurredResult to image as usual or get the processed bitmap and do the next things. Use converter to convert:
let processedImage = UIImage.fromBitmapImage(bitmapImage: blurredResult.0)
To run the simple example project clone the repo and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You can run the demo App in the Example folder, research how it works and test algorithms with different coefficients and save final results.
The library works with BitmapImage data format. First we need to convert UIImage to Bitmap format as below as Bitmap gives best efficiency in loop iterating through image pixels color data.
let bitmapImage = UIImage(named:"testImage").toBitmapImage()
Smoothing is necessary to smooth the neighbor pixels intensity and make it easier to join them into one segment.
Graph is a data structure with every image pixel as a vertex and edges between four neighbor pixels. We need weighted graph here as an image segment will be created according to each edge weight. As a weight we take neighbored pixels rgb intensity difference.
var wGraph = bitmapImage.createWGraph()
Segment is a pixels group combined together by edges weight between them. If edge weight is below threshold it will be grouped into one segment that means one and only parent pixel (other words "tree root") will be set for this pair. Segment size defined by minPixelsInSector value. The more minPixelsInSector the more segment size.
let pixelsCombinedInSegments = wGrath.createSegmentSets(threshold: threshold, minSize: minSize)
Post-process is needed to combine smallest segments into large ones to avoid visible noise on a result picture. Here we use minimum_size_segment coefficient we can define manually to get more or less segmented result image.
We take every segment parent pixel number and match the random color number to it to get colors array according to segments position.
Bitmap allows us to create result image with the best performance.
Finally get the result image.
We need it to reduce colors intensity and diversity to have only black and white brightness value to make next calculation faster.
guard let grayScaledImage = image.convertToGrayScale() else { return defaultImage}
let smoothedImage = grayScaledImage.smoothing(sigma: 0.6)
guard let pixelValuesFromGrayScaleImage = ImageProcessing.pixelValuesFromGrayScaleImage(imageRef: smoothedImage?.cgImage) else { return defaultImage }
It gives us brightness gradient value for each pixel. It shows us how intense the brightness fluctuation in each pixel. If brightness change of a neighbor pixel is bigger than chosen one it means we got an edge.
As a result of Sobel operator work we receive 2D gradient map for every pixel. This map we can convert to an image:
let edgesImage = ImageProcessing.createImageFromEdgesDetected(pixelValues: featureMatrix, width: processedImageWidth, height: processedImageHeight)
The library implements a fast Gaussian blur algorithm with O (n) complexity
let blurredImage = bitmapImage.fastGaussBlur(radius: 3)
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
GraphPod is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.