This is a prerelease; still working out bugs. The version number will be jaer-2.7.0 eventually.
Go to install4j jAER installers on dropbox to download installers.
See video installing and updating jaer on YouTube.
This major release adds many new features and bug fixes.
- jaer Preferences have been completely reorganized for a flatter, simpler, and more rational structure rooted at JavaPrefs/jaer. See ca19853. Utility methods and dialogs have been added to migrate Preferences from older structure if older preferences (e.g. biases or filter settings) are detected.
- Preferred annotation allow defining EventFilter properties that are shown in Simple view.
- EventFilter in FilterPanel has Copy/Paste of properties, reset to Defaults, Export and Import for individual filters.
- FilterPanel has been greatly improved to highlight non-default and modified properties.
- FilterPanel recognizes ComboBoxModel property and builds JComboBox for it. See NoiseTesterFilter.
- Marks are preserved for each played file using a HashMap that is saved to Preferences.
- Zooming and panning are greatly improved and AEViewer has a method to zoom around a particular pixel.
- New denoising methods QuantizedSTCF and AgePolarityFilter are added (also to NoiseTesterFilter)
- Recording(logging) to AEDAT has remote control command in AEViewer to pause logging.
Bug fixes and minor improvements
- Jogging default is set to better 100 packets.
- Moving a logged recording to another filesystem is greatly improved.
- NoiseTesterFilter has been rewritten to use the new ComboBoxModel feature.
- If an AEDAT file is being logged to, users are reminded to end it before exiting.
- DrawGL text rendering is used in many filters now instead of bitmapped GLUT, allowing font scaling.
- Shutdown has been made more robust and final console output goes to System.out since logging is shut down.
- RectangularClusterTracker has option to zoom on tracked cluster and shows a HUD for it; this functionality uses the AEViewer zoom on a point capability.
Full Changelog: 2.6.3...2.7.0