- @Author: Boyang Xiao
- @Email: [email protected]
- @USC id: 3326730274
- @Date of init: 2022-01-30
- @Instructor: Prof. C.-C. Jay Kuo
- @IDEs & languages:
- VScode - C++
- PyCharm - Python 3.8
- @Platform: Windows 10/11
- @compiler: g++ --version 8.1.0
- @IDE extensions:
- C/C++ extensions for VScode
- Image Processing toolbox for MATLAB
- Topics:
- Green Learning (GL)* introductions
- PixelHop & PixelHop+* introductions
- Green Learning for Image classification
- Language: Python
- Repo: 👉 here
- Project Report: 👉 here
- Topics:
- This repositary includes 6 projects, which have covered a very wide range of the most popular and cut-edge topics in the realm of Digital Image Processing, including image denoising, edge detection, texture analysis, Deep learning and so on.
- Each project is developed, debugged and completed by Boyang Xiao individually, during the semester of 2022 fall in University of Southern California. With all the codes included, all of the projects are proved to be running well. Please read the README.md instructions carefully in each project and then run the codes on your end.
- Each project includes a project report, which has introduced the origin of the project, the theoratical basis of the technology, the process of the experiments and the experimental results. Please feel free to contact Boyang Xiao at [email protected].
- Fight on Trojans!! ✌️