This app tells you the restrictions on your current local authority area, it will also alert you when moving across local authority boundaries.
Application uses Expo and AWS Amplify please ensure you have the CLI tool installed We are using the AWS CLI v2 so recommend that Python3 is installed.
npm install -g expo-cli
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
Please use the matching Node version, we recommend using NVM Run from the root directory:
nvm use
git clone
expo install
You can run the bundler independently or target specific platform
expo start
yarn run ios
yarn run android
If you have a real device you can install the Expo app from the App/Play store and then scan the QR code from the bundler app. You will need real devices in order to test push notifications.
Create feature branches from develop
, squash and merge after PR.
Release branch will be created when ready to push a version to master
Please ensure you use expo install <package>
to ensure the correct compatible version gets installed.
Do not use npm install
for any packages in this project.