Releases: SciSharp/BotSharp
Releases · SciSharp/BotSharp
What's Changed
- fix vector db by @iceljc in #672
- Features/add notification by @iceljc in #673
- remove params by @iceljc in #674
- minor fix by @Joannall in #675
- Upgrade Anthropic.SDK to v4 by @hchen2020 in #676
- add processor by @iceljc in #679
- Add Refined Knowledge memorize and search. Update Planner terms by @Joannall in #680
- Bump System.Text.Json from 8.0.4 to 8.0.5 in /src/Infrastructure/BotSharp.Abstraction by @dependabot in #678
- add message update by @iceljc in #681
- optimize sql driver by @Oceania2018 in #682
- Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 in /src/Infrastructure/BotSharp.Core by @dependabot in #683
- Miscellaneous improvements by @Oceania2018 in #685
- Add attachment example and refine dictionary lookup by @Joannall in #684
- Skip refine if tables is empty by @hchen2020 in #686
- Add knowledge generation refinement by @Joannall in #687
- add instruct by @iceljc in #688
- minor fix by @iceljc in #689
- Voice copilot support postback by @yileicn in #690
- add comments by @iceljc in #691
- fix routing context by @iceljc in #693
- support assistant message payload by @yileicn in #692
- Add relevant knowledge to Summary Plan by @Joannall in #694
- minor change by @Joannall in #695
- add tags by @iceljc in #696
- support assistant message playload by @yileicn in #697
- Docs: Typo Fix by @Chaitanya110703 in #700
- add default by @iceljc in #701
- Docs: Typo Fix by @Chaitanya110703 in #699
- Fix model by @iceljc in #702
- create conv with tags by @iceljc in #703
- add text field in generic element by @iceljc in #704
- Add drop tmp table, Refined kg search by @Joannall in #705
- Code Driver init by @hchen2020 in #706
- Add a ChannelId column to the ConversationDocument by @yileicn in #698
- support intent in welcome webhook by @wcao-lessen in #711
- naming change-domain knowledge by @Joannall in #710
- fix states query parameter by @wcao-lessen in #713
- Add BotSharp.Plugin.MicrosoftExtensionsAI by @stephentoub in #707
- formatter update by @Joannall in #715
- Add Database Hook by @Joannall in #717
- minor change by @Joannall in #719
- Fix planner issue of Claude output array is not stable by @hchen2020 in #718
- WebDriver improvement by @Oceania2018 in #716
- Features/add user management by @iceljc in #720
- fix create agent issue by @iceljc in #722
- add chat file download by @iceljc in #723
- init conv side car by @iceljc in #712
- Remove AffiliateId by @Oceania2018 in #724
- Phone NullReferenceException by @Oceania2018 in #725
- Selector multiple by @jizh4635 in #721
- add knowledge menu roles by @iceljc in #727
- filter plugin by names by @iceljc in #728
- excel handler - drop tmp table before create by @Joannall in #729
- refine sidecar by @iceljc in #730
- refine side car by @iceljc in #731
- Fix dictionary lookup by @hchen2020 in #732
- Add default utilities for Planner by @Joannall in #733
- add missing flag by @iceljc in #734
- init conv simulation by @iceljc in #735
- refine stop condition by @iceljc in #736
- refine prompt by @iceljc in #737
- update knowledge generation prompt by @Joannall in #739
- Move DBHelpPlanningHook to SQL Driver by @Joannall in #740
- resolve conflict by @iceljc in #741
- Features/add evaluation by @iceljc in #743
- ITwilioHook by @hchen2020 in #742
- Add Sql Validator by @Joannall in #744
- minor update by @Joannall in #745
- Fix Twilio CallbackPath path by @hchen2020 in #747
- Update Microsoft.Extensions.AI.Abstractions to 9.0.0-preview.9.24556.5 by @stephentoub in #746
- Twilio optimize by @hchen2020 in #748
- Features/add role by @iceljc in #749
- add similar search by @iceljc in #750
- minor changes by @iceljc in #751
- add exclude roles by @iceljc in #752
- add plugin provider vertexai by @danijerez in #738
- update sql validator by @Joannall in #753
- Redis Event by @Oceania2018 in #754
- add twilio outbound phone call utility by @wcao-lessen in #755
- refine twilio outbound by @iceljc in #756
- Fix validate_sql removing comments in sql. by @hchen2020 in #757
- update prompt by @Joannall in #764
- Update M.E.AI to 9.0.1-preview.1.24570.5 by @stephentoub in #763
- Features/dashboard by @ChenGong-lessen in #762
- Refactor reasoner and planner by @hchen2020 in #765
- Features/merge origin agent by @iceljc in #761
- set UserId from conversation states for new conversation creation by @adenchen123 in #766
- Fix sql_select dbtype by @hchen2020 in #768
- add agent utility doc by @iceljc in #770
- change doc by @iceljc in #771
- add json by @iceljc in #772
- add index by @iceljc in #773
- Fix duplicate function loaded OnAgentUtilityLoaded by @hchen2020 in #775
- add OnSourceCodeGenerated Hook by @Joannall in #776
- Redis Event by @Oceania2018 in #769
- Fix Mongo version issue. by @hchen2020 in #777
- add comments by @iceljc in #774
- relocate by @iceljc in #778
- Fix GetReasoner. by @Oceania2018 in #779
- fix typo by @iceljc in #780
- refine utility name by @iceljc in #781
- add common agent hook by @iceljc in #783
- rename by @iceljc in #784
- crontab by @hchen2020 in #782
- add crontab storage by @iceljc in #786
- Support multi-planner. by @hchen2020 in #788
- Feature/refine cronttab by @iceljc in #789
- Feature/refine cronttab by @iceljc in #790
- init dialog in side car by @iceljc in #791
- refine doc by @iceljc in #792
- crontab only allow 1 minute. by @hchen2020 in
What's Changed
- fix db name by @iceljc in #560
- refine json format in log by @iceljc in #559
- fix text-completion by @hchen2020 in #561
- Features/refine json format by @iceljc in #562
- refine file selection prompt by @iceljc in #563
- support xhr response. by @Oceania2018 in #564
- TwostagePlanner practice by @hchen2020 in #565
- add audio service to transcribe local mp3/wav file by @evan-cao-wb in #566
- Add Tencent Cloud object storage support by @GreenShadeZhang in #567
- Add new email reader utility to read emails using IMAP. by @visagang in #568
- Add WaitTime to ElementActionArgs by @Oceania2018 in #570
- fix audio range request by @iceljc in #572
- use 4o-mini by @iceljc in #574
- optimize paramter type check by @yileicn in #573
- Features/refine file select by @iceljc in #578
- use select file option by @iceljc in #579
- get file bytes by @iceljc in #580
- Features/refine file select by @iceljc in #581
- Features/refine knowledge base by @iceljc in #576
- fix string join by @iceljc in #583
- Twilioplugin draft by @seplz in #582
- resolve conflict by @iceljc in #584
- fix typo by @iceljc in #585
- remove from form by @iceljc in #586
- Add ExcludeResponseUrls to PageActionArgs by @Oceania2018 in #587
- add knowledge collections by @iceljc in #590
- Features/add prompt by channel by @iceljc in #591
- relocate instructions by @iceljc in #592
- add default collection by @iceljc in #594
- unite knowledge search model by @iceljc in #596
- update twilioPlugin by @seplz in #593
- python interpreter by @hchen2020 in #595
- Features/add graph search by @iceljc in #597
- change menu name by @iceljc in #599
- change menu name by @iceljc in #600
- Added conversation update. by @GreenShadeZhang in #601
- add document by @evan-cao-wb in #571
- minor changes by @seplz in #604
- Update Two Stage Planner by @Joannall in #603
- AddTwilioRequestValidation by @hchen2020 in #605
- Features/add embedding dim setting by @iceljc in #606
- complete text2speech in queue service by @seplz in #607
- Speech + Digits by @hchen2020 in #608
- fix bug of twilio by @hchen2020 in #610
- improve the workflow by @wcao-lessen in #611
- adjust two stage planner. by @hchen2020 in #612
- AgentExecuting by @hchen2020 in #613
- bugfix by @wcao-lessen in #615
- Add EnableResponseCallback by @Oceania2018 in #617
- Fix router history dialogs. by @hchen2020 in #618
- add DDL to Planner by @Joannall in #619
- Features/refine audio handler by @iceljc in #616
- global knowledge by @hchen2020 in #620
- refine email sender and image generator prompt by @iceljc in #621
- Improve Primary Planning by @Joannall in #622
- minor change by @iceljc in #623
- minor change by @iceljc in #624
- relocate by @iceljc in #625
- refine file dir by @iceljc in #626
- Hints by @hchen2020 in #627
- support dialCSR by @wcao-lessen in #628
- remove duplicate by @iceljc in #629
- add exclude agent ids by @iceljc in #630
- support reply hints by @wcao-lessen in #631
- SQL Driver by @hchen2020 in #632
- Features/add knowledge docs by @iceljc in #633
- use binary data by @iceljc in #634
- Optimize the implementation of conversation progress by @yileicn in #635
- fix read knowledge doc by @iceljc in #636
- add vector data source by @iceljc in #637
- optimize indication by @yileicn in #638
- update data assistant - DDL and execution hook by @Joannall in #639
- refine knowledge doc by @iceljc in #640
- remove web url for now by @iceljc in #641
- fix welcome message by @iceljc in #642
- refine knowledge doc by @iceljc in #644
- add web url in file meta by @iceljc in #645
- ExecuteSqlSelectAutonomous by @Oceania2018 in #646
- Features/add knowledge docs by @iceljc in #647
- Skip if agent if null by @hchen2020 in #648
- delete all points in a collection by @iceljc in #649
- Features/add knowledge docs by @iceljc in #652
- refine knowledge doc filter by @iceljc in #653
- use map by @iceljc in #654
- improvement by @Oceania2018 in #655
- Add sql dictionary lookup utility by @Joannall in #656
- add collection exist by @iceljc in #657
- sqlite version for excel handler by @evan-cao-wb in #658
- Update dictionary look up by @Joannall in #659
- refine sql by @iceljc in #660
- refine code by @iceljc in #661
- sql output formatting. by @hchen2020 in #662
- return not found if no records. by @Oceania2018 in #663
- upgrade open ai by @iceljc in #664
- Redis backplane for SignalR by @hchen2020 in #665
- initial version for mysqldriver by @evan-cao-wb in #666
- optimize excel handler by @hchen2020 in #667
- clean comments by @iceljc in #668
- improve data dictionary lookup and plan summary by @Joannall in #670
- TranslationResponseModel by @Oceania2018 in #671
New Contributors
- @GreenShadeZhang made their first contribution in #567
- @wcao-lessen made their first contribution in #611
Full Changelog: r2.0-agent-utility...r3.0-two-staging-planning
What's Changed
- merge latest code by @geffzhang in #370
- merge latest code by @geffzhang in #389
- user avatar by @iceljc in #466
- Features/add conversation summary by @iceljc in #471
- Features/add agent user role by @iceljc in #457
- summarize multiple conversations by @iceljc in #474
- WebDriver improvement by @Oceania2018 in #475
- add Pagination size default value by @yileicn in #477
- clean file controller by @iceljc in #476
- hdong:keep same logic with name. by @YouWeiDH in #478
- Features/add http handler by @iceljc in #480
- fix user issue by @iceljc in #481
- fix user cache by @iceljc in #482
- fix user profile by @iceljc in #483
- fix conv file delete issue by @iceljc in #484
- remove conversation header by @iceljc in #485
- refine summary prompt by @iceljc in #486
- refine prompt by @iceljc in #490
- GLM-4 series: Open Multilingual Multimodal Chat LMs by @Oceania2018 in #487
- Features/add pdf upload by @iceljc in #491
- Fix WebDriver locator issue. by @Oceania2018 in #492
- Bugfix/fix agent conv edge cases by @iceljc in #494
- Fix compile error. by @hchen2020 in #496
- Bugfix/fix agent conv edge cases by @iceljc in #497
- fix login by @iceljc in #498
- allow router menu item by @iceljc in #499
- Update TranslationService.cs by @yileicn in #500
- append image analysis prompt by @iceljc in #503
- refine load attachment by @iceljc in #504
- fix file save by @iceljc in #505
- Bugfix/fix file save by @iceljc in #506
- flush to disk by @iceljc in #507
- Bugfix/fix file save by @iceljc in #508
- refine message files by @iceljc in #509
- Add email conversation as part of channel by @visagang in #511
- Features/add translation memory by @iceljc in #501
- add image generation by @iceljc in #510
- WebDriver improvements. by @Oceania2018 in #512
- Features/upgrade open ai by @iceljc in #513
- upgrade by @iceljc in #514
- fix ref error by @iceljc in #515
- add open ai text completion by @iceljc in #516
- add translation memory setting by @iceljc in #518
- add pdf converter by @iceljc in #519
- User reset password by @Oceania2018 in #520
- add text embedding by @iceljc in #521
- Features/refine image generation by @iceljc in #522
- Aspire support by @geffzhang in #517
- add default embed dimen by @iceljc in #523
- change to agent utility by @iceljc in #524
- Features/add image generator utility by @iceljc in #525
- simplify image generate by @iceljc in #526
- refine message file save by @iceljc in #527
- Change to read_file by @iceljc in #528
- refine message file loading by @iceljc in #529
- Bump System.Text.Json from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4 in /src/Infrastructure/BotSharp.Abstraction by @dependabot in #532
- EnumHelper.cs by @Oceania2018 in #535
- add open ai plugin by @iceljc in #533
- fix user log in by @iceljc in #534
- Add new email handler utility by @visagang in #536
- refine chat image reading by @iceljc in #537
- refine http handler by @iceljc in #538
- Fix route to agent. by @hchen2020 in #539
- Code cleanup for EmailHandle Plugin by @visagang in #540
- fix routing to agent handler by @iceljc in #542
- remove function return appended to dialogs. by @hchen2020 in #544
- add sql executor utility by @iceljc in #543
- Features/add file handler by @iceljc in #545
- Features/add file handler by @iceljc in #546
- minor fix by @Oceania2018 in #547
- extend email with attachments by @iceljc in #548
- knowledge learner by @hchen2020 in #549
- fix compile issue by @iceljc in #550
- move generate image to file handler by @iceljc in #551
- relocate email handler settings by @iceljc in #552
- Features/add image edit by @iceljc in #553
- Features/add image edit by @iceljc in #554
- add image mask edit by @iceljc in #555
- Bugfix/get mongo db name by @iceljc in #558
New Contributors
Full Changelog: r1.5-sse...r2.0-agent-utility
What's Changed
- add chat files by @iceljc in #454
- Features/add conversation user by @iceljc in #456
- prevent send event if it is not conversation by @iceljc in #458
- Fix llm selection bug. by @hchen2020 in #459
- add default model by @iceljc in #460
- refine log in by @iceljc in #461
- Improve translation. by @hchen2020 in #462
- translation improvement. by @hchen2020 in #463
- Fix SSE response format. by @hchen2020 in #465
- Update TranslationService.cs by @yileicn in #467
- optimize translation prompt by @yileicn in #468
- Update TranslationService.cs by @yileicn in #469
- fix api controller json serilizer by @iceljc in #470
- optimize UpdateBreakPoint by @yileicn in #472
Full Changelog: r1.4-mutl-languages...r1.5-sse
What's Changed
- Update args definition for router agent by @jli238 in #404
- add visible property by @iceljc in #403
- refine agent refresh by @iceljc in #405
- add log in agent refresh by @iceljc in #406
- fix "talk to ppl" issue by @sylviachency in #408
- add repository enum by @iceljc in #410
- Optimize WebDriver with context id. by @Oceania2018 in #411
- fix file serialization by @iceljc in #412
- refine save state by args by @iceljc in #414
- Features/add secondary language by @iceljc in #415
- Refactor human intervention needed. by @hchen2020 in #416
- update human customer service agent by @sylviachency in #418
- Update agent.json by @sylviachency in #419
- Features/add translation by @iceljc in #420
- translation prompt. by @hchen2020 in #421
- Update language prompt. by @hchen2020 in #422
- Fix localization return issue. by @hchen2020 in #423
- update language. by @hchen2020 in #424
- refine multilanguage log by @iceljc in #425
- update language detection by @Joannall in #426
- minor change by @iceljc in #427
- Return reason from HasMissingRequiredField. by @hchen2020 in #428
- refine type check by @iceljc in #429
- Fix language detection. by @hchen2020 in #430
- Increase MaxInputLengthPerRequest to 512. by @hchen2020 in #431
- SeleniumWebDriver by @Oceania2018 in #417
- Server-sent Events. by @hchen2020 in #432
- add chat indication by @iceljc in #433
- Anthropic AI by @hchen2020 in #436
- Features/add attachment by @iceljc in #437
- add payload by @iceljc in #438
- Fallback Agent. by @hchen2020 in #439
- refactor file dialog structure by @iceljc in #440
- Only show playload to AI. by @hchen2020 in #441
- Template [Translate] by @Oceania2018 in #442
- unite json serializer by @iceljc in #443
- fix json log by @iceljc in #444
- optimize translation by @yileicn in #445
- optimize translation by @yileicn in #446
- Fix translation plugin. by @hchen2020 in #447
- Fix translator. by @hchen2020 in #448
- add agent template update endpoint by @iceljc in #449
- Bugfix/fix log order by @iceljc in #450
- fix invoke function by @iceljc in #451
- minor fix by @iceljc in #452
- fix truncate breakpoint by @iceljc in #453
- Fix translation issue. by @hchen2020 in #455
New Contributors
- @jli238 made their first contribution in #404
- @sylviachency made their first contribution in #408
- @yileicn made their first contribution in #445
Full Changelog: v1.3-stable-tag...r1.4-mutl-languages
v1.3.2 refresh agent improvement
What's Changed
- Update args definition for router agent by @jli238 in #404
- add visible property by @iceljc in #403
- refine agent refresh by @iceljc in #405
- add log in agent refresh by @iceljc in #406
- fix "talk to ppl" issue by @sylviachency in #408
- add repository enum by @iceljc in #410
- Optimize WebDriver with context id. by @Oceania2018 in #411
New Contributors
- @jli238 made their first contribution in #404
- @sylviachency made their first contribution in #408
Full Changelog: v1.3-stable-tag...v1.3.2-release
What's Changed
- refine rich type and template type by @iceljc in #317
- Resolved issue related to convertPdfToText by @wilson-dixon in #319
- Auto restore function name in InvokeFunction. by @hchen2020 in #320
- Add required flag. by @hchen2020 in #321
- add function name by @iceljc in #322
- Improve IRoutingHook. by @hchen2020 in #323
- add delete log by @iceljc in #324
- Fix Pop agent bug. by @hchen2020 in #325
- Fix user id. by @hchen2020 in #326
- refine content log input by @iceljc in #327
- allow empty list update by @iceljc in #328
- Add user_goal_description to router. by @hchen2020 in #330
- Features/add clean idle conversation by @iceljc in #331
- chagne default temperature. by @hchen2020 in #333
- Features/add state filter by @iceljc in #334
- update start backend service command in by @wenwei-lin in #335
- add config LLamaSharp tutorial in docs by @wenwei-lin in #336
- remove AspectInjector dependency in BotSharp.Core by @wenwei-lin in #337
- Syn agent template dict once states has been changed. by @hchen2020 in #338
- add message delete event by @iceljc in #339
- Syn latest state before rendering prompt. by @hchen2020 in #340
- merge code by @geffzhang in #341
- Fix InvokeFunction name. by @hchen2020 in #342
- expected_next_action_agent by @hchen2020 in #343
- merge latest code by @geffzhang in #345
- update instruction by @Joannall in #346
- Spark desk by @geffzhang in #347
- add botsharp options by @iceljc in #348
- add message parser by @iceljc in #349
- Support editor in rich content. by @hchen2020 in #350
- add google api by @iceljc in #351
- RouteToAgentRoutingHandler by @hchen2020 in #352
- Check routing rule after poping agent. by @hchen2020 in #353
- add redirect to agent by @iceljc in #354
- Features/add google api by @iceljc in #355
- ignore pwd check for debugging by @hchen2020 in #356
- Add breakpoint feature. by @hchen2020 in #357
- fix validation and truncate message by @iceljc in #358
- Features/refine conversation by @iceljc in #359
- Support model_id in InstructMode by @hchen2020 in #360
- Features/refine conversation functionality by @iceljc in #361
- Add openai provider. by @hchen2020 in #362
- Delay persisting message to allow message content to be changed in hook. by @hchen2020 in #363
- add breakpoint by @iceljc in #364
- GetAgent perInstanceCache by @hchen2020 in #366
- refine state by @iceljc in #365
- Not trigger if replyMessage.FunctionName is empty. by @hchen2020 in #367
- add active rounds to state by @iceljc in #368
- fix cur message id by @iceljc in #369
- Features/add state change log by @iceljc in #371
- Save function result to Storage by @hchen2020 in #372
- optimize naive. by @hchen2020 in #373
- expected_user_goal_agent by @hchen2020 in #374
- refine state node by @iceljc in #375
- refine state node by @iceljc in #376
- Provide conversation_end flat in response_to_user by @hchen2020 in #377
- response_to_user by @hchen2020 in #378
- Remove agent required args based on latest states. by @hchen2020 in #379
- Save to Storage as well by @hchen2020 in #380
- add active round log by @iceljc in #381
- Fix OnRoutingInstructionRevised by @hchen2020 in #382
- Add featuer of VisibilityExpression by @hchen2020 in #383
- add agent queue changed event by @iceljc in #384
- refine json converter by @iceljc in #385
- Handle output routing exception. by @hchen2020 in #388
- Features/refine conv states by @iceljc in #387
- check field type in routing. by @hchen2020 in #390
- add channel by @iceljc in #392
- optimize state by @iceljc in #391
- enable plugin by dependency by @iceljc in #393
- Features/enable plugin by dependency by @iceljc in #394
- patch state source by @iceljc in #395
- PostbackFunctionName by @hchen2020 in #396
- Restore Append by @hchen2020 in #397
- add hook by @iceljc in #398
- ConversationBreakpoint.Reason by @hchen2020 in #399
- clean code by @iceljc in #400
- Add Highlight to ElementLocatingArgs by @Oceania2018 in #401
- add file editor by @iceljc in #402
New Contributors
- @wilson-dixon made their first contribution in #319
- @wenwei-lin made their first contribution in #335
- @Joannall made their first contribution in #346
Full Changelog: tag-v1.0.1-web-driver...v1.3-stable-tag
What's Changed
- add paged plugins by @iceljc in #260
- add agent pagination by @iceljc in #261
- change to get by @iceljc in #262
- Add attributes to user view model by @visagang in #263
- SequentialPlanner draft. by @hchen2020 in #264
- Standarderize agent type. by @hchen2020 in #266
- sync by @hchen2020 in #267
- add conv state log by @iceljc in #269
- Allow task agent to fallback to predefined router. by @hchen2020 in #270
- Change planner setting to agent level. by @hchen2020 in #271
- merge last update by @geffzhang in #272
- add truncate message by @iceljc in #273
- Add plugin for Dashboard by @visagang in #274
- Allow agent to inherit from other agent. by @hchen2020 in #275
- add inherit agent id in mongo by @iceljc in #276
- fix agent template migrate by @iceljc in #277
- add type in routing rules by @iceljc in #278
- feat: upgrade semantic kernel to 1.2 by @geffzhang in #279
- merge latest code by @geffzhang in #280
- Change path. by @hchen2020 in #281
- Improve UserIdentity implementation. by @hchen2020 in #282
- Fix agent display in dialog. by @hchen2020 in #283
- Optimize WebDriver. by @hchen2020 in #284
- merge latest code by @geffzhang in #286
- planner get remaining task. by @hchen2020 in #285
- Features/add agent task mongo by @iceljc in #287
- add direct agent id by @iceljc in #288
- Allow send 3rd original bearer token. by @hchen2020 in #289
- add task migration by @iceljc in #290
- Abstract IWebBrowser. by @hchen2020 in #291
- Add hook of OnDialogRecordLoaded. by @hchen2020 in #292
- .net 8.0 by @hchen2020 in #293
- merge latest by @geffzhang in #295
- Headless by @hchen2020 in #296
- wait LoadState.NetworkIdle after button clicked. by @hchen2020 in #297
- WebDriver supports multiple contexts by conversation. by @hchen2020 in #298
- create collection index by @iceljc in #299
- Features/add role in log by @iceljc in #300
- add content log and state log by @iceljc in #301
- Improve WebDriver stability by @hchen2020 in #302
- add sender action event by @iceljc in #303
- add keycloak auth by @geffzhang in #304
- merge code by @geffzhang in #305
- Docker by @geffzhang in #307
- SQL Driver by @hchen2020 in #309
- Fix image data issue. by @hchen2020 in #311
- refine content log after call bot by @iceljc in #313
- Improve SQL Driver. by @hchen2020 in #314
- Features/save rich content in dialog by @iceljc in #315
- lookup_dictionary for sQL Driver. by @hchen2020 in #316
Full Changelog: tag-v0.22-logging...tag-v1.0.1-web-driver
What's Changed
- refine conversation states by @iceljc in #245
- WebDriver Playwright. by @hchen2020 in #246
- Add Input User Text in WebPage. by @hchen2020 in #247
- Fix click element in WebDriver. by @hchen2020 in #248
- Fix SPA refresh bug. by @hchen2020 in #249
- add mongo plugin actions by @iceljc in #250
- Support to set multiple routers. by @hchen2020 in #251
- refine filter by @iceljc in #254
- add missing field by @iceljc in #255
- Updated OpenAPI definition to add JWT bearer and authentication. by @kiebor in #256
- add conversation pagination by @iceljc in #257
- Fix ChatbotUi models. by @hchen2020 in #258
- structure content log by @iceljc in #259
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.21-2023-12...tag-v0.22-logging
What's Changed
- fix typo and delete logs by @iceljc in #229
- sequential log. by @hchen2020 in #230
- Bump vite from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 in /src/web-live-chat by @dependabot in #231
- add invoke function in routing service by @iceljc in #232
- rename mongo collection and use exe log flag by @iceljc in #235
- Unify the LLM Provider Settings #234 by @hchen2020 in #236
- Llm provider settings by @iceljc in #237
- Fix config priority. by @hchen2020 in #238
- fix file llm prompt log by @iceljc in #239
- Render quick replies in chat-box. by @Deep-Blue-2013 in #240
- Bugfix/refine llm prompt log by @iceljc in #241
- Add Web Speech #242 by @Deep-Blue-2013 in #243
- structure dialog meta data by @iceljc in #244
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #231
Full Changelog: v0.20-palm2-function...v0.21-2023-12